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Title: К вопросу о защите персональных данных в идентификационных документах
Other Titles: On the protection of personal data in identification documents
Authors: Бочарова, О. С.
Цыганков, Д. Г.
Bocharova, O.
Tsyhankou, D.
Keywords: идентификационные документы;персональные данные;персональные данные;подделка данных;подделка документов;identification documents
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Колорград
Language: Русский
Type: Article
Citation: Бочарова, О. С. К вопросу о защите персональных данных в идентификационных документах / О. С. Бочарова, Д. Г. Цыганков // Научные труды Белорусского государственного экономического университета. Выпуск 16 / Министерство образования Республики Беларусь, Белорусский государственный экономический университет ; [редакционная коллегия: А. В. Егоров (главный редактор) и др.]. – Минск : Колорград, 2023. – С. 571-577.
Abstract: The article is devoted to modern methods of detecting material and intellectual forgery in identification documents. Trends in the development of modern personalization technologies, features of the manufacturing and protection of identification documents on polycarbonate material are considered, the necessity and conditions for ensuring the quality of reproduction of personal data are determined. Based on the fact that modern identification documents have a multi-level security system, that includes visual and instrument – defined security features, among which a separate role is played by signs – means of identifying the owner, the need for comprehensive studies of forgery of identification documents based on integrative scientific knowledge is justified. Special attention is paid to the statutory legal regulation of the personalization of identification documents. A comparative legal analysis of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation is carried out. It is concluded that the methods of detecting material and intellectual forgery in the page with the personal data of the document owner are based not only on the methods of research of protected documents, but also on the methods of handwriting analysis, including its psychological analysis.
ISBN: 978-985-896-402-3
Appears in Collections:_Научные труды БГЭУ, 2023

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