Василий Леонтьев
"Чтобы понять процесс,
нужно иметь теорию." -
Пол Самуэльсон
"Чтобы понимать экономику,
нужно знать не только
ее основы, но и ее нюансы." -
"Экономисты часто любят поразительные теоремы, которые своими выводами противоречат общепринятому мнению."
Джозеф Стиглиц
The Department of Economic Theory is the successor to the Department of Political Economy, established at the university in 1933. Over the years, it was headed by V.S. Axelrod, L.K. Novoselov, V.N. Alekseev, I.I. Tereshkov, S.I. Hubarevich, M.I. Nozdrin-Plotnitsky, A.K. Khomyakov, N.I. Bazylev.
Since 2004, the department is headed by Victor Vorobyov, Professor, Dr. hab. (Economy), chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council in specialties "Economic Theory" and "Economics" of the educational and methodical association of economic education, chairman of the expert council on economic sciences of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus , author and co-author of more than one hundred and eighty scientific and educational works.
Disciplines of the department:
For students of general higher education:
1. Agrarian policy
2. Institutional economics
3. Macroeconomics
4. Microeconomics
5. Microeconomics and macroeconomics
6. Microeconomic analysis
7. Macroeconomic analysis
8. Behavioral economics
9. Social policy
10. Theory of industrial markets
11. Economics of information
12. Economics of the public sector
13. Economic policies of foreign countries
14. Economic theory
For master's students:
1. Institutional economics
2. Institutional analysis
3. Macroeconomic analysis and policy
4. Microeconomic analysis and policy
5. Industrial policy
6. Sectoral policy in the Republic of Belarus
7. Behavioral and experimental economics
8. Economic analysis of political decision-making processes
The department is graduating for the following specialties:
Economy (specialization "Analytical Economics")
Scientific work
The scientific work of the department is carried out in close cooperation with the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus, research and higher educational institutions.
The staff of the department is actively involved in the preparation of textbooks and manuals on economic disciplines, which correspond to the curriculum of the new generation and are recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus for higher educational institutions.
- The Department of Economic Theory
Belarus State Economic University
220070, 26, Partizanski Av, Minsk,
Republic of Belarus
Теl.: (+375 17) 209-88-18
e-mail: ket@bseu.by