“Belarusian Economic Journal”

“Belarusian Economic Journal” is well-known far beyond the Republic of Belarus, the Belarus State Economic University being one of its founders.

The journal has been published since 1997. The founder of the journal is Professor Shimov V.N., Doctor of Economics.

Quarterly scientific and practical journal

Aliaksei Bykau

Editorial Board
Tatsiana N. Beliatskaya, Aleksander V. Bondar, Oleg G. Bukhovets, Elena V. Vankevich, Victor A. Vorobiev (Deputy Chief Editor), Sergei Yu. Glazyev, Ruslan S. Grinberg, Vladimir G. Gusakov, Aliaksei Daineka, Raita Karnite, Mikhail M. Kovalev, Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Alexey V. Kuznetsov, Alexander I. Luchenok, Igor A. Maksimtsev, Zahid F. Mamedov, Alla Pranevich, Kiryl V. Rudy, Edward М. Sandoyan, Yakov P. Silin, Vitaly L. Tambovtsev, Vladimir S. Fateyev, Gigla О. Chitaya, Semyon B. Shapiro, Vladimir N. Shimov, Olga S. Shimova, Halina A. Shmarlouskaya, Vyacheslav Yu. Shutilin, Tatsiana G. Zoryna.


  1. The Belarusian State Economic University
  2. The National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
  3. The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus
  4. The Economic Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republicof Belarus

The Journal is included by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus in the list of scientific editions to publish dissertation research findings.

Journals site: bem.bseu.by

Certificate ¹1088 of January 22 2010 of state registration of the mass medium "Belarusian Economic Journal"


Address: 26 Partizansky Av., Minsk, 220070, Belarus

Tel.:+375 17 209 88 97,
+375 17 367 18 37

Fax:+375 17 209 88 97


