The Journal “Belarusian State Economic University Bulletin”
(“BSEU Bulletin”)
The journal “Belarusian State Economic University Bulletin” (“BSEU Bulletin”) was founded in 1994 as a scholarly and practical publication. Since 1999 it has been published 6 times a year (bimonthly).
The journal is included by the Higher Attestation Commission in the List of scientific publications of the Republic of Belarus for publishing results of dissertation research in economic, legal, technical (non-food commodity research), political, philosophical and sociological fields of science, as well as in the Russian Science Citation Index (RISC).
The mission of the journal is consolidation of scholars’ efforts in addressing the issues of the development of economy, science and education.
In the process of preparing the publication of "BSEU Bulletin” the following tasks are solved:
• promotion of scientific achievements of postgraduate students, doctor habilitated candidates, university lecturers;
• formation of scientific schools in various fields of science;
• consolidation of academic forces of the Republic of Belarus within particular majors;
• holding discussions on problematic issues of socio-economic development;
• publication of materials to improve the quality of training sessions;
• exchanging experience in teaching and research areas;
• familiarization with foreign experience in the development of science and organization of the educational process;
• consultations on new and problematic issues, etc.
The journal pays special attention to young scholars — master’s degree students, postgraduate students and habilitated doctoral candidates.
The founder and publisher of the journal is the Belarusian State Economic University. The journal is headed by a well-known economist, doctor hab. (economics), Associate Professor Vyacheslav Shutsilin.
The editorial board includes leading scholars in various fields of science >>>
• Methodological problems of economics
• 21st century challenges and sustainable development strategy
• World economy and foreign economic relations
• Management enhancement
• Analytical forecasts and suggestions
• Problems of accounting, analysis, audit and statistics
• Real sector of economy and consumption
• Commodity research and expert examination
• Monetary policy
• Financial sector of economy
• Ecology, economics and law
• Languages and intercultural communication
• Philosophy and Sociology
• Political science
• International experience
• Teacher’s notes
• Consultations
• News from conferences
• Presentation
Terms of article admission
Articles for publication in the journal are accepted in Russian, Belarusian and English, along with an extract from the minutes of the department meeting, including a recommendation for publication. Authors from other universities or research institutes should submit a recommendation letter from the management of their organization. The author is supposed to assume responsibility for the facts given in the articles.
The editors may publish articles as subject to discussion, without sharing the views of the author.
The article should not exceed 12 printed pages. Materials are accepted completed on a computer (printout of the article and its electronic version) in the text editor Microsoft Word, 14 pt font size, with 1.5 line spacing. The article should be accompanied by an abstract (from 100 to 250 words) in Russian and English, author’s background note with contact telephone numbers, as well as a copy of the journal subscription receipt (for more, see Requirements ... >>>)
You can subscribe to the journal in all RUE Belpochta post offices or RUE Belsoyuzpechat.
Subscription indices of the journal "Веснік Беларускага дзяржаўнага эканамічнага ўніверсітэта" in the catalogue "Publications of the Republic of Belarus":
• 74838 — for individual subscribers;
• 748382 — departmental subscription.
International relations dep.
Tel.: (+375 17) 209-88-32,
International students office:
Tel.: (+375 17) 209-79-71