The Department of National economics and state administration

Head of the Department - Fateev Vladimir Sergeevich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Laureate of the Prize of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1995), awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus (2008), Certificate of Honor and Gratitude of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus (2008 and 2011).

The Department of National Economy and Public Administration (NEPA) has been operating in its modern form since 2009, but it has a very rich history and scientific and pedagogical traditions, laid down since the founding of the Institute of National Economy (INE; 1933).

The formation of the Scientific and Pedagogical School on National Economy began precisely in the 1930s. Its founders were:

A significant contribution to the further development of the Scientific and Pedagogical School on National Economy was made by Doctor of Economics, Professor V.N. Shimov, rector of the Belarusian State Economic University and part-time professor of the department of NEPA, who was actually the leader and the head of the school during his work from 2002 to 2019.

The Department of National Economy and Public Administration is the main structural subdivision of the Belarusian State Economic University, based on which the Scientific and Pedagogical School on National Economy has been developing for the last decades. The department of NEPA is the direct successor of the Department of Regional Management, which, in turn, was created in 1994 based on the merger of the Department of National Economic Planning (founded in 1964, and before that it was named the Department of National Economic Planning since the early 1930s) and the Department of Placement of Productive Forces (at the first stage - the Department of Economic Geography, founded in 1953).

At different times, the heads of the department were Borisevich V.I. – Doctor of Economics, Professor; Dorina E.B. - Doctor of Economics, Professor. In the period from 2004 to 2011, as well as from September 2021 to the present, Doctor of Economics, Professor Fateev V.S. heads the department.


The department graduates students in two specialties: 1-26 01 01 "Public Administration" and 1-25 01 15 "National Economics" at the Faculty of Economics and Management.

After completing the course of study in the specialty "Public Administration», the graduate receives the professional qualification of "Economist-Manager". With such qualifications, specialists are trained to work in various positions: the apparatus of ministries and other republican government bodies, their territorial divisions; regional,  city and district executive committees and other local government bodies, as well as positions associated with the implementation of organizational, administrative and economic functions at enterprises, organizations, institutions and firms of various forms of ownership.

After completing the course in the specialty "National Economics", the graduate receives the professional qualification of "Economist-Analyst". An economist-analyst with a specialization in National Economics is trained to work in the analytical departments of national and local government bodies (Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance, National Bank, etc.), analytical departments of the Development Bank and the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange, analytical departments of major commercial banks, investment companies, consulting companies, rating agencies, forex companies, trading companies, news agencies, analytical publications and portals, business unions and companies providing economic services, in the future - analytical departments of the authorities of the Eurasian Economic Union (Eurasian Development Bank, Eurasian Economic Commission).

Educational activities


The main academic disciplines assigned to the department

Teachers of the department conduct classes in all forms of education at eleven faculties of the university in academic disciplines:

Research work

The main directions of scientific research of the department:

Major publications in recent years:

  1. Fateev, V.S. Urban planning and urban policies: origins, content and coordination with other areas of public regulation in the Republic of Belarus / V. S. Fateev / / Architecture: collection of scientific works / editorial board: A.S. Sardarov (editor-in-chief) [and others]. - Minsk: BNTU, 2021. - Issue. 14. - S. 123-129.
  2. Bohdan, N. Education and Science for Innovative Development of the Eurasian Economic Union Countries (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan) / N. Bohdan // The Essence of Academic Performance / ed.: B. Nchindila, T. Corrigan. – London: IntechOpen, 2020. – P. 15–34.
  3. Fateev, V.S. State regional policy in the Republic of Belarus: state, problems, prospects for improvement // IV Russian Economic Congress "REK-2020". Volume IX. Thematic conference "Spatial and regional economics" (collection of materials) / Compiled by N. V. Zubarevich, P. A. Minakir. - Moscow, 2020. - P. 85–89.
  4. Bohdan, N. and Garkavaya, V. (2019), "Belarus in Global Ratings: Position and Dynamics", Sergi, B.S. (Ed.) Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Belarus (Entrepreneurship and Global Economic Growth), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 1–23.
  5. Fateyev, V.S. (2019), "Administrative Arrangement, Spatial Development, and Regional Policy in Belarus", Sergi, B.S. (Ed.) Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Belarus (Entrepreneurship and Global Economic Growth), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 205-222.
  6. National Economy of Belarus: textbook / V.N. Shimov [and others]; ed. by V.N. Shimov. - 5-th edition, revised and extended - Minsk: BSEU, 2018.
  7. Fateyev, V. (2018). Regional Problems and Policy in the Republic of Belarus. In S. Żićkiene, T. Tamośiunas, M. Karpitskaya (Eds.), Social Innovation in the Regional Context: Scientific Study. – Vilnius: Litera, pp. 149–157.
  8. Bogdan, N.I. Innovation policy: world trends and Belarus: monograph.. – Lambert Academic Pablishing, Saarbrucken, 2017.
  9. Bogdan, N.I. Qualitative indicators of the development of Belarus: methodology for assessment and analysis: monograph; under total edited by N.V. Agabekova. - Minsk: BGATU, 2017.
  10. Bogdan, N.I., Buhovets, T.V. Management of state property in the system of the national economy: workshop / Ministry of Education Resp. Belarus, Belarusian state. economy un-t. - Minsk: BSEU, 2015.
  11. Buhovets, T.V. Public administration: method. recommendations for the study of academic discipline / T. V. Buhovets, M. A. Mazhinskaya, I. N. Rusak. - Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2017.
  12. Buhovets, T.V., Rusak, I.N. Structure of revenues of local budgets of the Republic of Belarus / T.V. Buhovets, I.N. Rusak // National economies of countries: new realities and globalization challenges: monograph [Bogolib T.M., Perchuk O.V., Mitko Hitov and others]. - Kyiv: Corporation, 2017.- 956 p. - P.731-740.
  13. Buhovets, T.V., Brikina, Yu.A. Features of the organization and regulation of interbudgetary relations in the Republic of Belarus / T.V. Buhovets, Yu.A. Brikina // Modern research and directions of development of the theory and practice of accounting and economic analysis at different levels of management: monograph / AI Belousov [and others]. - Minsk: BGATU, 2018. - P.176-201.
  14. Buhovets, T.V., Markidonova, A.V. The effectiveness of the functioning of regional labor markets in the Republic of Belarus / T.V. Buhovets, A.V. Markidonova // Evaluation of efficiency in industries and areas of activity / O. A. Morozevich [and others]. - Minsk: BSATU, 2019. - P. 121-139.
  15. Buhovets, T.V., Tochko, A.N. Assessment of investment attractiveness of types of economic activity in the regions of the Republic of Belarus / T.V. Buhovets, A.N. Tochko // Scientific works of the Belarusian State Economic University. - Minsk: BSEU, 2020. - Issue. 13. - P. 75-84.
  16. Buhovets, T.V., Garkavaya, V.G., Rusak, I.N. Risks of economic cooperation within the EAEU / T.V. Buhovets, V.G. Garkavaya, I.N. Rusak // Trends in world integration processes: challenges and opportunities: Collection of materials of the international scientific conference (Nur-Sultan 2019) / Ch. ed. Sairov E. B. - Nur-Sultan: Eurasian integration institutes, 2019. . – P. 335-345.
  17. ​​Buhovets, T.V. Main trends in the level and quality of life of citizens in the regions of the Republic of Belarus / T.V. Buhovets, V.O. Snapkova // Science and education - the most important factor in the development of society in modern conditions: materials of the VIII Intern. scientific-practical. conf. - Karaganda: Publishing house "Kent - LTD", LLP printing house "Doszhan", 2021. P. 169-172.

Student science

Students of specialties "Public Administration", "National Economics" are actively involved in research activities.

The department has a student research laboratory "Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Management Decisions".

Among the students, undergraduates and graduate students who prepared the most interesting research under the guidance of the teachers of the department and submitted their results to international and republican competitions of scientific works, there are many laureates, multiple winners of international and republican competitions of scientific works of students and young scientists who won 1-3 places, as well as young researchers who received personal scholarships from the President and the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

Development of cooperation and participation in international projects

The department maintains productive educational and research contacts with related structural units of other Belarusian and foreign universities, research centers and organizations (Great Britain, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Sweden, Estonia and other countries).
Professors and associate professors of the department have many years of experience in research and expert work in the framework of international research and educational projects supported by a number of international organizations and programs (UNDP, Habitat, World Bank, TACIS, INTAS, Campus Europae, SIDA, etc.).

Preparation at the second stage of higher education

The department provides training at the second level of higher education in the profile "State regulation of national and regional economies" (specialty "Economics"). This master's program provides the deepening and expansion of professional knowledge, skills and abilities of specialists of state and local government, as well as economists-analysts. The master's program provides a deeper study of those areas, which were studied at the first stage of higher education in "Public Administration" and "National Economics", as well as new topical areas in public administration and regulation of state economic development, which are in great demand in modern conditions, but were not provided by the curricula of the first stage of higher education.

The program provides for the acquisition of professional knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of state regulation and economic forecasting, modern tools of monetary regulation, features of the development and evaluation of state programs, organizing interaction between government and business through the development of the institution of public-private partnership in the Republic of Belarus, regulation of regional development, modern trends in the state innovation policy.

Training of highly qualified scientific personnel

Postgraduate and doctoral students are trained at the department of NEPA.

Graduates of master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies, who were trained at the department of NEPA, worked and continue their careers in leading ministries and departments of the Republic of Belarus (Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus, State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk District Executive Committee , Minsk City Executive Committee, etc.), in research organizations and centers (Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, State Scientific Institution "Research Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus", Regional Center for Legal Information of Minsk, etc.), higher educational institutions (BSEU, VSTU, BSU, GrSU, etc.), as well as at the largest enterprises of the country (MAP, Amkodor, Caliber, etc.).

Many graduates of postgraduate and doctoral studies successfully defended dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of economic sciences, including: Dorina E.B. (2007), Lisichenok E.P. (2008), Medvedeva Yu.A. (2010), Bukhovets T.V. (2012), Shanyukevich I.V. (2012), Oleshkevich E.N. (2013), , Garkavaya V.G. (2015), Rusak I.N. (2016) and others).


Address:Partizansky Ave. 22a, building 4, room. 704

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