Department of Environmental Economics
Establishing in 2004 at Belarus State Economic University of a new graduating department reflects the external necessity to emphasize the ecological focus in economic education. It is predetermined by the objectives of the new strategy of sustainable development adopted in the Republic of Belarus. It envisages well-balanced solution of socio-economic problems and preservation of the country's environmental and ecological potential for the needs of the present and future generations.
Chair of the Department–Natalja A. Smolskaja,Dr. hab.
The major of Environmental Economics within the specialty Economics and management at Enterprise is a new direction of higher education in economics. Opening this major at BSEU seeks training specialists with new thinking who possess profound and fundamental knowledge of economics, ecology, management, and law. To meet the requirements of labor market they should be oriented towards solving topical applied tasks in ecological and economical regulation and management at different levels of economic hierarchy. Prospects and possibility of training such specialists are relevant both nationally and internationally.
The department trains manager economists in ecological management at enterprises, organizations, consulting centers, auditing firms as well as in the system of state and local management and control.
The department faculty are highly qualified professionals who deliver lectures both in ecologically oriented subjects within the specialization Environmental Economics and general disciplines for students of all University Schools:
- Fundamentals of Ecology and Environmental Economics – at all Schools excluding the School of Law and the School of International Business Communications;
- Fundamentals of Ecology and Energy Saving - at the School of Law and the School of International Business Communications;
- Ecological Management – at the school of management and the higher school of management and business;
- Tourism Geography - for the specialization Economics and management of tourism at the higher school of tourism;
- "Country studies" - for all specializations of higher school of tourism and for the specialization State Management at the school of Management;
- Regional economics - at the school of marketing;
- Economics of Industries of national economy - for the specialization Statistics of the school of accounting and economics;
- National economy – at the school of international economic relations and the higher school of management and business.
Educational activities
To train manager economists majoring in Environmental Economics the department members deliver lectures in the following special ecological and economic disciplines:
- Ecology;
- Environmental Economics;
- Environmental Statistics;
- Ecological Standardization;
- Ecological Law;
- Scientific Fundamentals of Monitoring;
- Modeling Ecological economic Systems;
- Ecological Management;
- Ecological Auditing;
- Sustainable Development.
The department faculty employ new approaches in training specialists in economics and management with ecological and economic thinking. Modern innovative educational technologies and active teaching methods are widely used, too.
Scholarly research plays an important role in the educational process, students being active participants in research projects.
The department's main directions of scholarly research:
- Research of mechanisms of sustainable economical development in the Republic of Belarus;
- Issues of ecological adaptation of socio-economic development in the Republic of Belarus;
- Development of the theoretical basis for ecological economics;
- Improvement of state regulation, prognostics and planning system in rational nature resources use and environmental activities.
- Methodology of calculating economic indicators of man's impact on environment, economic assessment of natural resources, socio-economic efficiency of ecological costs;
- Theoretical aspects and organizational economic mechanism of environmental management;
- Development of the system of ecological education, training and upgrading personnel skills, etc.
The Department provides training of master and doctoral students in specialty 08.00.05, Economics and Management of National Economy.
To improve the educational system and to promote professional training, opportunities for practical placement, cooperation in scholarly research and exchange of scientific, instructional and practical information the department has signed agreements with national and international institutions, such as:
- International centre for environmental research, Magdeburg, Germany, (Institute for Advanced Training and Ecological Consulting);
- Belrad Institute for Radiation safety, Minsk;
- Belgospishcheprom State food industry concern of Belarus, Minsk;
- Republican Unitary Enterprise for Research and Development 'Institute of Radiology', Gomel.
The Department maintains scientific and research contacts with the similar department at M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, as well as with the department of economics at Sumy State University and the School of economics at St. Petersburg State University.
The department cooperates with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus, the State Committee for Standardization and the State Committee for Property.
Practical placement for students majoring in Environmental Economics is at such enterprises as: OAO Belhim, Lukoil-Belarus Oil company, GP Minsk tractor Works , OAO Belplast, RUP Minsk automobile plant", PRUP "Minsk motor plant", AO Avtoprovod, ZAO Atlant Minsk refrigerator plant, OAO Krasnoselskostroymaterialy, PRUP Krichevcementshifer, OAO Polymir, OAO Brest Electric light bulb plant, RUPGP Orsha flax Factory, OAO Slutsk sugar refining plant", OAO Belshina, OAO Krasnaya Zviazda Paper factory, RUP Molodechno machine-tool plant.
The department faculty meet international requirements participating in joint programs and projects which promote integration of our economy into the world economic space.
Research work
The Department scholars gained vast experience in international research and consultative projects under the auspices of the World Bank, the UNDP, Global ecological foundation, TACIS, etc. The Department faculty were among developers of the national strategy for Sustainable socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus up to 2020, governmental programs in the Republic of Belarus and normative basis for ecological activities in the country and other scientific research and practical projects.
The main publications by the department's faculty contributed to improving ecological economic education:
- Шимова О.С. Устойчивое развитие. Учебник с грифом Минобразования Республики Беларусь. Минск: БГЭУ, 2017. – 395 с.
- Шимова О.С., Соколовский Н.К., Лопачук О.Н. Экономика природопользования: Учебник с грифом Минобразования Республики Беларусь. – Минск: БГЭУ, 2019. – 446 с.
- Шимова, О.С. Устойчивое развитие: практикум / Учебное пособие с грифом Минобразования Республики Беларусь / О.С. Шимова. – Минск: БГЭУ, 2013. – 199 с.
- Лопачук, О.Н. Экологический менеджмент: учеб. пособие / О.Н. Лопачук. – Мн.: БГЭУ, 2016. – 403 с.
- Шимова, О.С. Экономика природопользования: практикум. – Минск : БГЭУ, 2016. – 209 с.
- Шимова, О.С. Основы устойчивого туризма: Учебное пособие / Шимова О.С. - М.:НИЦ ИНФРА-М, 2016. - 190 с.
International relations dep.
e-mail :
Tel.: (+375 17) 209-88-32,
International students office:
Tel.: (+375 17) 209-79-71