Dераrtment of Есопоmics of Тгаdе апd Sеrvices

The Department of Economics of Trade and Services as an independent academic division has been functioning since June 16, 1933 since the establishment of the Belarusian State Economic University (until January 1992 Belarusian State Institute of National Economy named after V.V. Kuibyshev). In 1933 it was the "Department of Economics and Planning of Soviet Trade", since 1934 it was the "Department of Soviet and Cooperative Trade" (the Head was Associate Professor F.P. Sadovsky). Since 1959 – the "Department of Economics and Organization of Trade" (Head – Doctor of Economics, Professor Artemiev A.S.), since 1978 – the "Department of Economics of Trade" (Head – Sokolova M.F., Valevich R .P., Sheleg N.S., Mikulich I.M.), and since July 1, 2016 – the "Department of Economics of Trade and Services". The Chair of the department isInessa M. Mikulich, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor.

The Department of Economics of Trade and services is constantly developing. Currently, the staff of the department consists of 16 teachers including 1 doctor of economics, professor; 1 Ph.D. in Economics, professor; 11 PhDs in economics; 1 Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics; 2 assistants; 1 graduate associate. Until the 1990s the preparation of PhDs in Economics of Trade was conducted mainly in the universities of Russia and Ukraine. In recent years, the staff of the Department is replenished mainly by graduates of its own graduate school.


The Department of Economics of Trade and Services graduates specialists with higher education in two specializations: 1-25 01 10 18 "Commercial activities at a public catering enterprise", 1-25 01 10 02 "Commercial activities in the consumer goods market" (based on general secondary and secondary specialized education) specialty "Commercial activity" and provides methodological guidance on the specified specialty within the framework of the teaching and methodical association of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.
Getting an education in the specialty "Commercial activity" provides for an extensive education that allows continuing studying in the Master's degree program in any specialty. The department successfully runs a master's degree program (research and practice-oriented) and graduate school. The department provides training for undergraduates in the following specialties:

Training of highly qualified personnel through graduate school is conducted in the specialty 08.00.05 – "Economics and management of the national economy" both for its own purposes and for other universities of the Republic of Belarus, other BSEU departments, institutions and organizations of the country.

In order to ensure high quality of training, the educational process is constantly being improved: the educational standard of the specialty, standard and curricula have been developed; the educational and methodological complexes in the taught academic disciplines and subjects have been updated; based on the results of the research work of the teachers of the department new courses have been developed reflecting the processes of formation of a market economy, changes in the methodology and management methods, the development of international trade, and world economy; a bank of primary and statistical information on the activities of the industry and individual trade organizations was compiled. The teachers of the department are constantly working to develop students' sustainable professional knowledge so that graduates of BSEU receive a university degree as highly qualified economists who are able to solve important state and economic problems and solve the problems of developing the country's consumer market, trading and restaurant business.

At the department, practitioners and employees of scientific institutions of Belarus and the city of Minsk are widely involved in lecturing and supervising diploma works and other pedagogical and research work: specialists and heads of the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of the Republic of Belarus, Parliamentary Assembly of the Union State of Belarus and Russia, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, the Main Directorate of the Consumer Market of the Minsk City Executive Committee, research associates of the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the Economy Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, the Research Institute of Belkoopsoyuz, the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and others.

Educational activities


The department provides training in the following disciplines:
I stage:

II stage:

The educational process widely uses new educational technologies that ensure the unity of the educational and scientific processes, testing, business games, case methods, solving real business situations, rating assessment of student performance, multimedia presentations, handouts, writing research abstracts, essays on the most important topics, conducting student conferences upon completion of the study of individual disciplines, defense of courseworks in commissions using modern information technology tools, proposal defense of diploma works. Students do practical training in the largest Belarusian enterprises, which occupy a leading place in their field.

Research work

Over the years, the department has developed several areas of research – economic assessment and forecasting of the consumer market and its infrastructure in modern conditions of globalization and integration, innovations in commerce and public catering, the development of business management methodologies in trade industry and the search for ways to increase the efficiency of trading organizations, problems of international trade and economic integration, problems of the hotel and restaurant business, the economy of enterprises of motor service outlets and fast food. Students, undergraduates and graduate students are widely attracted to participate in the department's scientific research. The results of the research conducted by the department were used in the preparation of monographs, textbooks, teaching aids; they were presented at many international scientific conferences, published in their materials, scientific collections, journals. The results of the research have become fundamental for many scientific and educational publications.

Gгаduates of the departament. сиггепtly оссиру leading роsitions in various ministries and government. аgencies, the hend offies of state .enterprises,the leading trade organizations of the retail. sector in Minsk, such аs GUM OJSC. TSUM Minsk OJSC, in the management of the largest trade пеtworks such as Еигоорt. (LLC Еиrotorg), Когопа (LLC ТаЬak- invest), еtc. Тhe present and future of trade business in the Republic of" Веlarus largelу depends оп their  decision.

In order to strengthen the academic networking of the Belarusian State Economic University with the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of the Republic of Belarus, in coordination with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, from January 4, 2019 the branch laboratory of antimonopoly and price regulation, regulation in the field of trade began to operate on the basis of the Department of Economics of Trade and Services of the Faculty of Commerce and Tourism Industry.



Address:   7 Sverdlova str., building 5,

Tel.:+375 17 209 79-80

