Department of Physical Chemistry of Materials and Production Technology

The Department of Physical Chemistry of Materials was founded by Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Matveyko N.P., who headed the department from May 21, 2007 to May 27, 2020. In connection with the death of Matveyko N.P. the department was headed by his student Ph.D., associate professor Braikova Alla Mechislavovna.

In 2013, by merging the Department of Physical Chemistry of Materials and the Department of Technology of the Most Important Industries, the Department of Physical Chemistry of Materials and Production Technologies was created, the head of which was appointed Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Matveyko N.P.

In 2016, with the merger of the faculties of the Higher School of Tourism and Economics and Trade Management into the General Faculty of Commerce and the Tourism Industry, the Department of Human Life Safety and Balneology was included in the Department of Physical Chemistry of Materials and Production Technologies.

The department is provided with highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel. The department employs 10 people, including 1 doctor of science, professor - Saevich K.F.; 7 candidates of science, associate professors - Antonenkov A.I., Borovik A.A., Braikova A.M., Bazylchuk T.A., Kokhno N.P., Panevchik V.V., Protasov S.K. and 2 assistants – Mikhadyuk M.V., Sudilovskaya L.M.

Educational activities


The teaching staff of the department provides teaching of 19 academic disciplines at most faculties of BSEU for the first stage of higher education:

To ensure the educational process, the staff of the department has published a number of teaching aids:

  1. Antonenkov A.I., Braikova A.M., Saevich K.F. Human life safety;
  2. Matveyko N.P., Zarapin V.G., Sadovsky V.V. Fundamentals of Materials Science;
  3. Matveyko N. P., Braikova A. M. Merchandising and examination of plastics and chemical goods;
  4. Matveyko N.P. Product certification and hygienic registration;
  5. Koreshkov V.N., Matveyko N.P. Confirmation of the conformity of products, services, quality management systems, personnel to the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts;
  6. Grigorieva E.V., Matveyko N.P. Fundamentals of Nanotechnology;
  7. Zarapin V.G. Fundamentals of Materials Science. Lecture course;
  8. Zarapin V.G. Physics. Laboratory workshop;
  9. Matveyko N.P., Braikova A.M. Chemistry. Laboratory workshop;
  10. Matveyko N.P., Braikova A.M. Chemistry tasks and exercises;
  11. Zarapin V.G., Sadovsky V.V., Matveyko N.P. Fundamentals of Materials Science. Laboratory workshop;
  12. Matveyko N.P., Braikova A.M., Sadovsky V.V. Qualimetry and product quality management. Study guide;
  13. Sadovsky V.V., Samoilov M.V., Kohno N.P. and other production technologies;
  14. Kohno N.P. Economics of technological development;
  15. Kohno N.P. Fundamentals of intangible production technology;
  16. Mikhalovsky I.S., Samoilov M.V., Kohno N.P. and others. Fundamentals of modern natural science;
  17. Panevchik V.V., Samoilov M.V., Kohno N.P. etc. Technical regulation of processes and products. Workshop;
  18. Panevchik V.V., Samoilov M.V. and others. Technical regulation and standardization;
  19. Martsul I.N., Strikel N.I. Protection of the population and facilities from emergencies. Radiation safety. Workshop. Methodological guide for students of economic and legal specialties.
  20. Mind maps for enhancing the educational and cognitive activity of students: teaching aid / V. I. Khinevich, V. V. Panevchik, M. V. Samoilov. - Minsk: BSTU, 2019 .-- 89 p.
  21. Production technologies: a workshop for students of economics. specialist. / V.V. Panevchik and others - Minsk: BSEU, 2020 - 179p.

In the educational process, new educational technologies are widely used that ensure the unity of educational and scientific processes (multimedia presentations, business games, testing, independent and scientific work of students).

Research work

The department has scientific ties with the Belarusian National Technical University, the Belarusian State Technological University, the Belarusian State University, the Tula State University (Russia), the Command and Engineering Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus, the International Ecological Institute named after I. HELL. Sakharov BSU, Minsk Regional Organizational Structure of the RGOO "Belarusian Society" Knowledge "; PA "Belarusian Society for Nature Conservation"; RS "Belarusian Union of Officers"; GPU "NP" Belovezhskaya Pushcha ".

In 2023, a branch was created and successfully operates at the department on the basis of the Unitary Enterprise “Self-supporting pilot production of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”.



Address:   7 Sverdlova st. , Bldg 5, rooms 311, 318, 222

 26 Partizansky Ave., bldg 3, rooms 121, 117, 119, 132, 134, 432, 434

Tel/Fax.:+375 17 209-79- 90,
+375 17 209 - 79 - 89