
A course of lectures was held at BSEU by the director of the department «Organization and management of scientific activities» of the Azerbaijan State Economic University Zahid Farrukh Mammadov

From May 15 to 17, a course of lectures by the Director of “Organization and Management of Scientific Activity” Department of Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC), Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Mamedov Zahid Farrukh was held at BSEU. Students of the Faculty of Finance and Banking had a unique opportunity to learn more about the history of the global crisis, its causes and consequences, as well as to deepen their knowledge of anti-crisis policy.

On May 16, Doctor of Economics of Azerbaijan State Economic University, Professor Mamedov Zahid Farrukh visited the annual International Scientific and Practical Conference “Economic Growth of the Republic of Belarus: Globalization, Innovation, Sustainability”.

BSEU and Azerbaijan State Economic University have years of fruitful cooperation and friendship. The cooperation agreement between our universities was signed in 2019.

In December 2023, Vice-rector for academic work Olga Anatolievna Morozevich paid a working visit to higher education institutions in the cities of Baku and Ganja of the Republic of Azerbaijan, where she took part in negotiations with the leadership of Azerbaijan State Economic University, as well as discussed with the leadership of the Institute of Systems Control of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan the possibilities of joint scientific research in the fields of logistics and e-commerce.

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