
Visit of representatives of the Institute of Marxism of Harbin University of Engineering

On May 29, representatives of the Institute of Marxism of Harbin University of Engineering visited BSEU on a friendly visit.

The guests were warmly welcomed by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs O.A. Morozevich, Head of the Department of International Relations Yu.G. Pavlovskaya, Head of the Department for the Coordination of Education for Foreign Citizens E.V. Kolyada, Head of the Department of Educational Work D.N. Vaskov and Deputy Head of the Department of Education, Head of the Department of Educational Work N.A. Ryzhko.

Director of the Institute of Marxism Lu Hongshi, Deputy Director of the Institute of Marxism Liu Guchang and Head of the Department of International Cooperation Ding Xin got acquainted with the history and traditions of our university. The participants of the talks discussed ways of cooperation between the two universities in the field of education and research, youth and educational policy.

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