
The awards have found their heroes. Dean of VSUB S.Yu. Krichevsky and head of the department of economic history N.I. Poletaeva were awarded medals “For Labor Merit”

On July 1, Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Aleksandrovich Golovchenko presented state awards. For many years of fruitful work, the dean of the VSUB Sergei Yuryevich Krichevsky and the head of the department of economic history Natalya Ivanovna Poletaeva were awarded the medal “For Labor Merit”.

“Today, on behalf of the President of the Republic of Belarus, well-deserved awards were presented to real professionals, whose work, talent, and dedication to their work are rightfully noted by the state. The fact that today's event is taking place on the eve of our main national holiday - Independence Day, gives special importance and solemnity. Unity, national identity and the unbending will of our ancestors predetermined the creation of a sovereign Belarusian state. Belarusians earned the right to live in their own independent country, did not spare themselves in the fight against the occupiers during the Great Patriotic War, worked selflessly to recreate the liberated country and restore the national economy. Our sacred duty is to cherish the achievements of our ancestors and contribute to the strengthening and prosperity of our native Belarus,” noted Roman Golovchenko.
High awards found their heroes from among the BSEU employees. For their many years of contribution to the development of domestic education and science, the medals “For Labor Merit” were awarded to the dean of the VSUB Sergei Yurievich Krichevsky and the head of the department of economic history Natalya Ivanovna Poletaeva.

Our heroes are united by many years of work for the benefit of the leading economic university of Belarus, enormous diligence, talent and dedication to their work in providing in-demand knowledge to students - people who will continue to work for the prosperity of their native country.

Sergei Yurievich Krichevsky entered the Belarusian State Institute of National Economy in 1973, after completing his studies in 1977 he worked as an economist at the state bearing plant No. 11 in Minsk. From 1982-1985 he studied at the graduate school of the Belarusian State Institute of National Economy (BGINKh), from 1985-1990 he worked as an assistant, then as an associate professor at the Department of Industrial Economics of the BGINKh.

Sergey Yurievich Krichevsky – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Master of Science at New York University (Pace University). From 1993-1995 he held the position of head of the department of international economic relations of the Belarusian State Institute of Economy, from 1994-1995 - dean of the faculty of international economic relations of the Belarusian State Economic University, in 1995-2001 - country economist of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank). In 2001-2003, he was the coordinator of international projects at the Moscow branch of OJSC Minsk Instrument-Making Plant. In 2003, Sergey Yurievich Krichevsky became the dean of the Higher School of Management and Business of BSEU (HSUB) - the forge of BSEU management personnel, which has trained a large number of competent and talented personnel.

Deep knowledge of the disciplines taught, a broad outlook, and professional erudition allowed Natalya Ivanovna Poletaeva to use advanced methodological techniques and forms of teaching students in her educational work.
In 1982, Natalya Ivanovna Poletaeva graduated from the Faculty of History of BSU named after V.I. Lenin, in 1986 - graduate school of BSU named after. IN AND. Lenin, in 2004 - doctoral studies at the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus. In 1986 she defended her PhD thesis, in 1994 she was awarded the academic title of associate professor. In 2005 she defended her doctoral dissertation and received the academic degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences. Since April 2017 – Head of the Department of Economic History. In 2003, Natalya Ivanovna Poletaeva was awarded the academic title of professor.

Exceptional hard work and organizational skills, ability to work with students, work as the head of the department and head of research work have earned well-deserved respect and appreciation from colleagues.
We congratulate Sergei Yuryevich Krichevsky and Natalya Ivanovna Poletaeva on their well-deserved awards, we wish them good health, prosperity and new achievements for the benefit of our country!

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