Description of the experimental project

An experimental project "Improvement of activities of higher education institutions based on the model "University 3.0" (integrated development of research, innovation and entrepreneurial infrastructure of higher education institutions to create innovative products and commercialization of the results of intellectual activity)".

Implementation period: 2018-2023.

Participants of the experimental project:

Project leader: Sergey Antonovich Kaspiarovich, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, Head of the Main Department of Vocational Education, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor.

The experimental project is aimed at creating conditions for the development of existing higher education institutions in accordance with the model "University 3.0".

The implementation of the experimental project envisages 2 lines of action:

The preparatory stage (till 01.09.2018) provides:

The first stage (01.09.2018-31.08.2019) provides:

The second stage (01.09.2019-31.08.2020) provides:

The third stage (01.09.2020-31.08.2021) provides:

The fourth stage (01.09.2021-31.08.2022) provides:

The fifth stage (01.09.2022-31.08.2023) provides: