International Summer/Winter Schools in Minsk

The Belarus State Economic University (BSEU) invites students studying Russian to participate in the summer school educational program organized on the basis of BSEU.
The summer school program provides:
language classes (Russian language) according to an agreed plan with elements of special vocabulary - 48 hours totally (classes are leaded by highly qualified university teachers with many years of experience working with foreign students in the Republic of Belarus and abroad, the authors of the textbooks and study guides in Russian as a foreign language)
cultural and informative program, including sightseeing bus and walking tours in Minsk, visits to the museums, exhibitions, parks, the National Library of Belarus, trips to historical and cultural reserves and castle complexes of Belarus, visits to industrial enterprises in Minsk, three meals per a day, a visit to the university sports complex (a gym, a game room, a pool).
Before applying, make sure whether you fulfill Applicant requirements:
An applicant should be a student or recently graduated person
He/she must be between 18 and 30 years old
Fee & Expenses
The participant fee is 600€ for international students
The fee for international students includes accommodation (dormitory, two-room blocks, equipped with needful things), all workshop expenses and a certificate.
Travel, visa and personal expenses must be covered by participants themselves. BSEU will not provide any travel reimbursement or financial support.
The number of participants : 15-17 people.
International Summer School in Minsk
26 Partizanski Av.Minsk, 220070, Republic of Belarus
+375 17 209 88 32; +375 17 209 88 32; +375 17 209 79 71 ; ;

International relations dep.
Tel.: (+375 17) 209-88-32,
International students office:
Tel.: (+375 17) 209-79-71