On legal status of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the republic of belarus
Extracts from the Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 105-3 dated January 04, 2010
"On legal status of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the republic of belarus "
Foreigners temporarily staying in the Republic of Belarus shall be registered in the registration authorities according to the procedure established by this Law, other legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus and Rules of stay, except otherwise provided in this Law or international agreements of the Republic of Belarus.
In case of absence of legal grounds for further stay in the Republic of Belarus foreigners shall leave the Republic of Belarus before the expiry date of temporary stay or temporary residence or within other terms, specified in this Law.
Foreigners, who have arrived in the Republic of Belarus, shall within the period of five days, except for Sundays, national and other holidays, established and declared by the President of the Republic of Belarus as non-work days, register in the registration authorities at the place of actual temporary stay, except otherwise provided in this Law, other legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus and international agreements of the Republic of Belarus.
Foreigners temporary staying in the Republic of Belarus, shall reside in the Republic of Belarus only at the place of their temporary stay, where they are registered in the registration authorities.
If the place of temporary stay is changed, foreigners shall within five days, except for Sundays, national and other holidays, established and declared by the President of the Republic of Belarus as non-work days, register in the registration authorities at new place of temporary stay.
Foreigners, who have arrived in the Republic of Belarus for the purposes of tourism and who travel within the territory of the Republic of Belarus according to the tour program, shall be registered in the registration authority at the place of initial temporary stay for the whole period of tour.
Temporary staying in the Republic of Belarus citizens (nationals) of the states that require visa for entry to the Republic of Belarus, shall be registered for the term, specified in their application or request to the receiving organization, but shall not exceed the term of visa validity.
Temporary staying in the Republic of Belarus citizens (nationals) of the states that don't require visa for entry to the Republic of Belarus shall be registered for the term not exceeding the term, specified by international agreements of the Republic of Belarus. If there is no such an international agreement of the Republic of Belarus or there is no information regarding the term of visa-free stay in an international agreement, the registration shall correspond to the term, specified in a foreigner's application or request to the receiving organization, but shall not exceed ninety days from the first entry to the Republic of Belarus.
Foreigners temporary staying in hotels, sanatorium-resorts and recreation organizations in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, shall be registered by these hotels, sanatorium-resorts and recreation organizations.
If it is necessary to extend the period of stay of a foreigner in the Republic of Belarus, temporary stay may be extended.
In case of diseases, acts of God or other unforeseen circumstances preventing a foreigner from leaving the Republic of Belarus, temporary stay may be extended beyond the period specified in this Law until the cessation of such circumstances.
If the validity of visa, issued to a foreigner, has expired, upon temporary stay extension a foreigner will obtain a visa for exit from the Republic of Belarus, except for the foreigners, who have applied for temporary or permanent residence or acquisition of nationality of the Republic of Belarus according to the registration procedure.
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