Higher School of Management and Business

Higher School of Management and Business of Belarusian State Economic University (HSMB) is recognized by the national business elite as the leading Business School in Belarus.
Higher School of Management and Business provides students with post-graduate business education.
With 900 students, HSMB is the largest business school, which occupies in Belarus 85% of the post-graduate university level business education.
HSMB was the first in Belarus to start MBA program in 1993.
The Research center of HSMB takes part in the national research projects in order to study main trends of the development of the Belarusian economy and to define the influence of globalization on the Belarusian economy.
HSMB receives wide experience from collaboration with world leading Business Schools and participating in EU international educational and research programs such as TRANSFORM and TACIS, cooperation with Federal Russian Universities and top ranking Universities of People’s Republic of China.
International relations dep.
e-mail : umoms@bseu.by
Tel.: (+375 17) 209-88-32,
International students office:
Tel.: (+375 17) 209-79-71