The history of our university
Before the revolution there were no higher educational institutions on the present territory of Belarus. In 1919 the resolution "About the organization of 15 Soviet universities" was adopted, but it was impossible to do it as a result of the intervention.
The Belarusian State University was one of the first to be opened which prepared the specialists in the field of economics. However, the state's increasing need for well-educated workers was reflected in the resolution of 1929 "About Personnel of the National Economy". It was declared about the need to improve the academic training of economists of various profiles. In 1930 the independent faculty of the national economy with five branches was created on BSU basis: industrial, agricultural, planning and statistical, financial and cooperative.
In 1931 on the basis of the Faculty of Social Sciences (BSU) there were established 3 independent institutes: Planning-economic, Financial-economic and Consumer Cooperative Institute of different administrative subordination. These institutes were the progenitors of our University. They existed only about two years. There were 335 graduates. However, there was a shortage of experienced economic personnel, as specialists were distributed all over the country (from Brest to Kamchatka and the Far East).
- 1933
On May 20, 1933 it was accepted the Decision №721 about the organization on the base of three aforementioned institutes of a new educational institution, which at first was named Institute of national economy with a location in Minsk. This day is considered to be the birthday of our University.
By the autumn of 1933 it was approved the status of the Belarusian State Institute of National Economy and the Workers' Faculty at it.
During 1933/1934 academic year more than 100 teachers had been worked in the University. Among them: academician I.A. Petrovich; 14 professors - P.M. Kiryushin, M.S. Golendo, M.I. Orlenko, G.A. Cherny, A.A. Manov, P.I. Pinchuk, S.P. Margelov, Y.G. Rakov, I.S. Vygodsky, etc.; 34 assistant professors: A.V. Gurlo, V.M. Sytko, M.A. Ivashchenko, G.S. Aleksandrov, P.I. Streltsov, A.M. Artsimovich, F.P. Sadovsky, D.E. Sokolovsky, S.O. Elianov, etc.; 46 assistants and 6 engineers.
- 1935
On January 20, 1935, at the request of the institute's staff, the government of the republic passed a resolution to name the institute after V.V. Kuybyshev. It was named after V.V. Kuybyshev until 1992.
From this moment the educational process was improved, the number of entrants to higher education was increased, and the physical resources of the institute were enlarged and strengthened. Almost every graduate was distributed all over the former country.
- 1941
The damage inflicted by the Nazi aggression of 1941-1945 is enormous. Many graduates of the pre-war years did not return from the war. Educational buildings were destroyed, the equipment of classrooms, laboratories and departments was destroyed, the library was burned and partially exported abroad.
- 1944
- 1950
On January 3, 1950 the first part of the educational building on Sverdlov Str., 7 was put into commission. The second - in 1952, the last - in 1954.
At that time one of the parts of the first academic building commissioned in the second phase was given to a dormitory for girls. Enrollment increased but there were no dormitories. That was a great way out of the situation! Now we have a whole town of 9 dormitories.
- 1983
On April 28, 1983 our University was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for its merits in training of specialists for national economy and development of scientific research.
- 1992
On January, 20 1992 Belarus State Institute of National Economy was transformed to Belarus State Economic University by the decree №21 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.
- 1997
Belarus State Economic University is the leading educational institution in the sphere of training economic specialists.
- 2004
BSEU was the first university in the republic to organize a student job fair. Since then similar events have been held at the university every year.
- 2008
Educational standards for I level of higher education are developed and implemented.
In honor of 75th anniversary BSEU was awarded with Honorary State Banner of the Republic of Belarus.
- 2010
BSEU is one of the first universities in the country certified by the international quality management system STB ISO 9001-2009.
- 2012
Educational standards for II level of higher education specialties developed and implemented.
- 2014
Rating system for evaluation of knowledge, abilities and skills of students is introduced.
The status of scientific organization is assigned.
- 2015
The branch of BSEU "Minsk State Trade College" is established.
- 2016
BSEU branches "Minsk Financial and Economic College" and "Novogrudok Trade and Economic College" were opened. The certificate of compliance of the quality management system with the requirements of international standards STB ISO-2015 was confirmed.
By agreement with the Ministry of Taxes and Levies of the Republic of Belarus began functioning research laboratory of current problems of taxation and tax policy.
- 2017
The distance form of higher education was introduced.
- 2018
The experimental project "Improvement of higher education institutions based on the model "University 3.0" has started aimed at the integrated development of research, innovation and entrepreneurial infrastructure of higher education institutions to create innovative products and commercialization of the results of intellectual activity.
- 2019
Opened a sectoral laboratory of antitrust and price regulation, regulation in the field of trade on the basis of the Ministry of Antitrust Regulation and Trade of the Republic of Belarus.
Innovation business incubator of the Faculty of Economics and Management.
BSEU participated in the investment project "Modernization of Higher Education in the Republic of Belarus" developed within the framework of higher education development on the initiative of the Ministry of Education in cooperation with the World Bank specialists.- 2021
Joint educational programs for master's degrees were introduced: "Economics" (IRNITU) and "Business Administration" (BSEU).
Master's degree programs in English were opened in Law, World Economics and Marketing.

On October 28, 1944 our University restored its activity. Regular classes began on March 1, 1945 in the evening shift in the building of the secondary school №12 on Myasnikov Str. In 1945 there were only 12 teachers and 54 students; in the 1945/1946 academic year there were 38 teachers and 252 students; the library had only 6,000 books. In 1945, by decision of the Academic Council, 11 students (graduated in 1941) received diplomas. On March 2, 1946 the first post-war alumni were graduated. On March 2, 1946 the first postwar students graduated from the university. There were 71 of them, including 22 veterans of World War II. They started their studies in the pre-war period.
During 1946-1950 about 455 specialists were trained.
Our graduates are our pride!
F.L. Kokhonov, an honorary graduate of 1936, former Minister of Finance of the BSSR, Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the BSSR, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR.
N.G. Tkachev, a graduate of 1939, became a Belarusian writer, a secretary of the BSSR Writers' Union, and a director of the publishing house "Mastatskaya litaratura".
The fate of our graduate of 1947 V. Protaschik, a partisan, participant of the Great Patriotic War, who reached Berlin, is surprising. Being engaged in research work in Institute of Chemistry of BSSR Academy of Sciences, he successfully defended his dissertation on topochemical transformations of solids and became Honored Inventor of USSR (1980). His inventions on lubricants saved the state considerable financial resources.
Prominent alumni:
- 1949 - A.E. Gurinovich - Minister of Foreign Affairs (1966 - 1990);
- 1950 г. - F.V. Borovik - future rector (1969-1991);
- 1953 - N.A. Sukhiy - Hero of Socialist Labor; V.V. Miloserdov - Director of VNTIEPK in AIC Russia, Corresponding Member of VASKhNIL, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of RAS; E.I. Kiveisha - Doctor of Economics, Honorary Professor of BSEU;
- 1957 - M.S. Kuniavski - the President of the Union of Businessmen and Tenants, Doctor of Economics, professor; N.A. Stashenkov - the Minister of commerce of the BSSR;
- 1958 г. - 1958 - P.A. Kapitula - Head of the Analytical Centre of the Presidential Administration, Assistant to the President, Dr. Sci;
- 1960 г. - 1960 - V.S. Klepcha - Manager of the Belkontora of the State Bank of the BSSR;
- 1961 - V.I. Goncharik, the Chairman of the Belsovprof;
- 1965 - V.P. Demjanovich, the Minister of Commerce of the Republic of Belarus;
- 1966 - K.Z. Terekh, the Chairman of the Belcoopsoyuz, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR, the Minister of trade of the USSR;
- 1967 - V.N. Nichiporovich - Minister of Statistics and Analysis of the Republic of Belarus;
- 1969 - P.G. Nikitenko - Corresponding Member of the Belarussian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics of the NAS of Belarus. In 1967, he was the Minister of Statistics and Analysis of the Republic of Belarus;
- 1971 - A.P. Morova, Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus;
- 1975 г. - 1975 - P.A. Kozlov, Minister of Commerce of the Republic of Belarus;
- 1977 г. - 1977 - N.P. Korbut, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Belarus;
- 1979 г. - P.V. Dik - Minister of Finance of the Republic of Belarus;
- 1981 г. - V.G. Tsalko - Chairman of Committee on problems of Chernobyl NPP catastrophe consequences;
- 1985 г. - 1985 S.N. Domash - Chairman of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee;
- 1985 г. - 1985 P.V. Kallaur - Chairman of the Board of the National Bank of Belarus;
- 1989 г. - 1989 - L.P. Kozik - Vice Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Belarus.
We remember and honor the veterans, participants of the Great Patriotic War who worthily defended the homeland, and then mobilized the will to master the sciences and transfer knowledge to the younger generation. These are A.E. Belokhvostikov, Z.Z. Dudich, A.G. Kulikov, O.S. Levanovich, I.L. Satsunkevich, A. Petukhov, D. Tsygankov, O. Galchenya, A. Kuchinsky, N. Frolov, etc.
More than 100 participants of the Great Patriotic War are teachers and employees of BSEU of different years. Among them: F.P. Visiulin, F.V. Borovik, I.Ya. Gapanovich, T.A. Zarubin, A.G. Zavyalkov, I.F. Kryuk, N.A. Lisitsyn, V.S. Mavrishchev, M.S. Nekhai, V.V. Osmolovskii etc.
International relations dep.
e-mail :
Tel.: (+375 17) 209-88-32,
International students office:
Tel.: (+375 17) 209-79-71