
BSEU Rector Alexei EGOROV was awarded a Certificate of Honor for a significant contribution to the development and improvement of the activities of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus.

Congratulations to the Rector of BSEU Alexey Vladimirovich Egorov and the staff of the faculty of the Belarusian State University of Economics on the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia from the Academic Council of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Institute of Regional Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Gratitude to the rector of BSEU Alexey Vladimirovich Egorov and associate professor of the Department of Political Science Nikolai Yuryevich Veremeev for their highly professional work on the jury of the third stage of the Republican Olympiad in the academic subject “Social Studies” in the 2023/2024 academic year.

Welcome address from the Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus on the occasion of the opening of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern political science on the trajectories of development of the state, business and civil society"

Gratitude to the professor of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines of BSEU Vladimir Losev for his active participation in the round table “Issues of implementing and improving the provisions of legislation on economic (business) risk.”

Expression of gratitude to the team of the educational institution "BSEU" for their contribution to the complex of events of the final stage of the III International Olympiad on Financial Security..

Expression of gratitude to the assistant of the Department of International Business, Svetlana Viktorovna Savenko, and the students of FIER for holding the quiz “Game of Economic Mind” at the Minsk City Educational and Health Center “Leader”.

Expression of gratitude to the assistant of the Department of International Business, Svetlana Viktorovna Savenko, for conducting lectures on economics at the Minsk City Educational and Health Center “Leader”.

Expression of gratitude to the Belarusian State Economic University from the republican public association "Belaya Rus" for assistance in organizing the event and annual support of initiatives.

Gratitude of the Central Committee of the Belarusian Trade Union of Education and Science Workers to the senior teacher of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports Economics Leiko Elena

Gratitude to the rector of BSEU A.Egorov from the jury and organizers of the XIII competition "Sports Law in the Republic of Belarus"

A letter of thanks to the Rector of BSEU A.V. Egorov from the Deputy General Director of ATLANT CJSC for ideological Work and personnel A.V. Moshko for the formation and direction of student detachments at ATLANT CJSC.

Gratitude to Rector Alexei Egorov for organizing the participation of BSEU volunteers in the XX Republican exhibition of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical skills and talent of young students, dedicated to the Year of Peace and Creation.

A letter of thanks to the BSEU rector A.Egorov for the preparation of participants and prize-winners of the International Student Olympiad in Management (November 14 - December 9, 2022, Stavropol, Russian Federation)

Belarusian State Economic University was awarded the diploma of the winner of Belarusbank in the nomination "Leader of Banking Services"

Expression of gratitude to the rector of the Belarusian State Economic University A.Egorov from the NGO "Belarusian Handball Federation" for assistance in organizing and holding friendly matches of the national women's teams of Russia and the Republic of Belarus in handball 31.10-01.11.2022.

Expression of gratitude to the Belarusian State Economic University from the National Film Studio "Belarusfilm" for fruitful cooperation and support of the XXVIII Minsk International Film Festival "Listapad".

Expression of gratitude to the Rector A.Egorov and the Head of the Department of Banking of the School of Finance and Banking V.Poznyakov for the high level of organization and holding of the II International Olympiad in Financial Security, the comprehensive development of the Olympiad movement, and the involvement of young people in a large-scale Russian initiative.

Certificate of Honor to the Rector of BSEU for active participation in the preparation and holding of the Eurasian Economic Forum (May 26, 2022, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic)

Expression of gratitude to the university in the person of the 4th year students of the specialty "Sociology" of the Institute of Social Science and Humanities Education for the sociological and marketing research conducted as part of the internship on the basis of BelVitunipharm Company

Letter of appreciation to the Rector of BSEU for effective cooperation with the International University «Astana»

Awarding Belarusian State Economic University with a diploma of a participant in the Republican Festival of Artistic Creativity of Pupils and Students «ART-vakatsyі»

Gratitude to BSEU for significant contribution to the protection of wildlife on the territory of Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Gratitude to the rector of the university for the opportunity given to I.V.Lashuk to participate in the International scientific-practical conference "State youth policy: practices and strategies"

Gratitude to the rector and the university's academic staff for preparing a team of BSEU students to participate in the National Law Enforcement Contest and for the helpful work of BSEU workers as jury members

Letter of gratitude to Belarus State Economic University for productive cooperation and significant contribution to the realization of civic-patriotic programs and moral education of young people

Gratitude for fruitful cooperation and assistance in organizing and conducting the interuniversity event "Dialogue of Cultures", dedicated to the celebration of the International Day of Navruz.

Gratitude to the rector of BSEU and to the Institute of Social Science and Humanities Education, represented by its head N.Yu.Veremeev, for supporting the effective cooperation with the Research Institute of Theory and Practice of Public Administration
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