The Department of Philosophy

The Department of Philosophy was created in accordance with the order of December 14, 1960, No. 373 of the Director of the Institute of National Economy named after V.V. Kuibyshev G.L. Sugrobov.

Since May 2016, the department has been headed by Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor Golovach Alla Anatolyevna.

Educational activities


The Department of Philosophy provides the educational process at all faculties of BGEU.

Bachelor's degree disciplines:

Academic disciplines of the 2nd stage of higher education in English:

The department has a master's program in "Economics", specialization: "Economic Psychology".

Educational and educational-methodical publications and complexes


Currently, the research work of the department is focused on the humanitarian, cultural and organizational aspects of the formation of the socio-economic national information society in the Republic of Belarus.

Productive scientific activity at the department has been developed during the implementation of representatives of the Minsk school of methodology of science, created by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.S. Stepin: V.K. Lukashevich and Ya.S. Yaskevich, whose scientific works on problem structures and substantiation of scientific methods, methodology of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research, argumentation in science received results in the scientific communities of the Republic of Belarus, and abroad.



Address: 26 Partizansky Av., building 4,
office 707,706

Tel.:+375 17 209 88 49
+375 17 209 79 97


The Department of philosophy in social networks: