The Department of National economics and state administration
The Department of National Economics and Public Administration (NE&PU) has been functioning in its modern form since 2009, but it has a very rich history and scientific and pedagogical traditions dating back to the founding of the Institute of National Economy (INH; 1933).
The formation of the Scientific and Pedagogical School of National Economy began in the 1930s. Its founders were: I.A. Petrovich, the first academician of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences in Economics, who in 1922-1935 worked in the planning and economic bodies of the BSSR and since 1933 taught at the Institute of Economics; Professor M.S. Golendo – in 1933-1935 he worked as Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the BSSR and Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR, and also simultaneously (in 1933-1934) was the head of the Department of National Economic Planning at the Belarusian State Institute of National Economy (BGINH); Doctor of Economics, Professor S.N. Malinin – in 1953-1965 he headed the State Planning Committee of the BSSR, was Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR, since 1964 he was concurrently head of the Department of National Economy Planning of the BGINH, and in 1965-1969 he headed the V.V. Kuibyshev BGINH.; Doctor of Economics, Professor A.G. Zavyalkov, who since 1954 has worked at the BGINH for more than forty years. Over the years, he held the positions of Head of the Department of National Economic Planning, Dean of the Faculty of National Economic Planning, Professor of the Department of Economic and Social Planning. A significant contribution to the formation of new directions for the development of the Scientific and Pedagogical School of National Economics was made by Doctor of Economics, Professor V.N. Shimov, who was actually the leader and head of this school during his work from 2002 to 2019 and rector of the Belarusian State University of Economics and concurrently professor at the NE&PU Department.
The Department of National Economics and Public Administration is the main structural unit of the BSEU, on the basis of which the Scientific and Pedagogical School on National Economics has been developing in recent decades. The NE&PU Department is the immediate successor of the Department of Regional Management, which, in turn, was established in 1994. based on the unification of the Department of National Economy Planning (founded in 1964, and before that it was called the Department of National Economic Planning since the early 1930s) and the Department of Productive Forces (at the first stage, the Department of Economic Geography, founded in 1953).
At various times, the heads of the department were Borisevich V.I. – Doctor of Economics, Professor; Dorina E.B. – Doctor of Economics, Professor; Fateev V.S. – Doctor of Economics, Professor, from September 2024 to the present, the department is headed by Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Bukhovets T.V.
The department is a graduate in the following specialties: "Public Administration", "Public Administration and Economics", "National Economics", as well as master's degree programs in Economics, specializing in "State Regulation of national and regional Economics", including in English. Teachers of the department conduct classes in all forms of education at ten faculties of the university.
Educational activities
The list of disciplines assigned to the department:
- State regulation of the economy
- Public administration
- Foreign experience of public administration
- Innovation policy of the state
- Methodology of cross-country comparisons
- Methodology of economic research
- National Economy of Belarus
- Organization of public administration
- Forecasting and planning of the economy
- Forecasting the national economy
- Regional economy
- Regional economics and management
- Regulation and development of business activities
- Regulation of innovative development
- Regulation of sustainable socio-economic development
- The system of methods for analyzing and evaluating the national economy
- Management of state property
- Personnel management in government institutions
- Project management
The main directions of scientific research conducted by the faculty of the department:
- problems and prospects of development of the national economy of the Republic of Belarus;
- Macroeconomic analysis and forecasting of the national economy;
- improvement of state regulation of macroeconomic phenomena and processes;
- National and regional innovation systems and government innovation policy;
- Assessment methodology and ways to improve the effectiveness of public administration;
- Key areas of regional and urban economic development;
- Improvement of regional governance and regional economic policy;
- Local government and self-government in the Republic of Belarus and the directions of its improvement;
- Institutional economics and the specifics of its development in the Republic of Belarus.
Educational and methodical publications and complexes
Research work
The professors and associate professors of the department have many years of experience in research and expert work within the framework of international research and educational projects carried out with the support of a number of international organizations and programs (UNDP, Habitat, World Bank, TACIS, INTAS, Campus Europae, SIDA, etc.), as well as participation in research organized within the framework of government research programs, BRFFI projects, etc.
The research work of students at the department is carried out in the following main areas:
- conducting research on relevant areas of economic development within the framework of the MacroVision student research laboratory and two student research circles (on the development of small and medium–sized businesses and increasing the competitiveness of the national economy, as well as on problems of macroeconomic policy and forecasting);
- involvement of students and undergraduates in research within the framework of research conducted under state research programs, BRFFI projects, etc.;
- preparation of reports and presentations at scientific and practical conferences on the problems of national and regional economics, state and local government and self-government, state regulation and forecasting of macroeconomic processes and phenomena in the Republic of Belarus and abroad;
- preparation and submission of student scientific papers to reviews and competitions;
- participation in Olympiads.
Every year, 50 or more students of 1-4 courses of the specialties "Public Administration", "Public Administration and Economics", "National Economics", as well as undergraduates of the specialty "Economics" take part in all forms of research outside of academic hours.
Students who are members of the above-mentioned student research circles and laboratories regularly submit the results of their research to dozens of international, national and university-wide competitions of students' scientific papers, scientific and practical conferences, Olympiads, championships and other events, as well as receive the titles of laureates and diploma holders, and take other prizes at these scientific conferences. forums. Among the students, undergraduates and postgraduates who have prepared the most interesting scientific papers under the guidance of the department's teachers, there are many young researchers who have received scholarships from the President and Government of the Republic of Belarus.
International relations dep.
Tel.: (+375 17) 209-88-32,
International students office:
Tel.: (+375 17) 209-79-71