Department of accounting, analysis and audit in commerce
The department was founded by the Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor B.I. Gavrilov, who led it from June 1974 to May 1979. From 1979 to 1995, the department was headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor L.I. Kravchenko, in 1996 - 2004 – by the Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor V.A. Berezovsky, in 2004-2006 - by the Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor N.A. Lesnevskaya, in 2007 - 2013 – by the Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor I.V. Yanushkevich. From 2014 to the present, the department is headed by Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor T.G. Uskevich.
Teaching and methodological and research work at the department is carried out by a team of 10 full-time teachers, 2 part-time teachers and 2 specialists (teaching and support staff). Teachers of the department conduct educational work with students of the I and II stages of higher education of full-time and correspondence forms of study at the Faculty of Accounting and Economics, the Faculty of Marketing and Logistics, the Faculty of Economics and Trade Management, the Higher School of Management and Business.
- 1st stage
- 1-25 01 08 "Accounting, analysis and audit (by areas)", specialty area 1-25 01 08-03 "Accounting, analysis and audit (in commercial and non-profit organizations)"
- specializations:
- 1-25 01 08-03 10 "Accounting, analysis and audit in trade and public catering";
- 1-25 01 08-03 12 "Accounting, analysis and audit in foreign economic activity".
- 2nd stage (Master's degree)
- 1-25 80 05 "Accounting, analysis and audit"
- Postgraduate and doctoral studies
- 08.00.12 - accounting, statistics
Educational and methodical work
Academic disciplines
I stage of higher education
- Analysis of accounting (financial) statements
- Analysis of economic activity
- Balance studies
- 4.Accounting (financial) statements
- Accounting tax accounting
- Accounting tax accounting in trade
- Accounting management accounting in trade
- Accounting management accounting in trade and public catering
- Accounting management accounting in foreign economic activity
- 10.Accounting
- Accounting in trade
- Accounting and analysis
- Accounting and auditing
- Financial accounting in trade and public catering
- Financial accounting in foreign economic activity
- Вookkeeping
- History of accounting and analysis of economic activity
- 18.Calculation in catering organizations
- Comprehensive analysis of foreign economic activity
- Comprehensive analysis in trade and public catering
- Computer programs in accounting, analysis and audit
- Control and audit
- International Standards on Auditing
- International Financial Reporting Standards
- 25.Features of accounting in the branches of the national economy
- Practical audit of foreign economic activity
- Practical audit in trade and public catering
- Forensic accounting expertise
- Theory of economic activity analysis
- 30.Accounting theory
- Technologies for processing accounting and analytical information
- Management accounting
- Accounting of foreign trade and currency transactions
II stage of higher education
- Genesis and modern theories and concepts of accounting
- Computer products in accounting and audit information systems
- Accounting and analytical methods of business evaluation
Educational and methodical publications and complexes
Scientific work
Teachers of the department carry out research on the topic "Development of accounting and analytical support of the organization's management system in the context of economic transformation" (2021-2025).
Currently, 4 graduate students are studying and conducting research at the department.
The department actively works with students to involve them in scientific activities, student scientific conferences and business games that are held annually. Under the scientific guidance of the teachers of the department, students perform competitive research student papers, which are successfully presented at national and international competitions. The department has organized a student research laboratory «SCIENCE» (Scientific aspects of accounting, control and analysis).
The teachers of the department work closely with the Voronezh State University in terms of:
- Participation in international conferences, publication of abstracts and collections of scientific papers;
- Exchange of reviews of candidate dissertations;
- Exchange of scientific, educational and methodological literature on accounting, analysis and audit.
The most significant printed works of teachers of the department over the past five years:
- Analysis of accounting (financial) statements: textbook. the manual (recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus as a textbook for students of higher education) / G.G. Vinogorov, S.K. Matalytskaya, T.G. Uskevich, A.V. Fedorkevich. – Minsk: BSEU, 2021. – 247 p.
- Practical audit: practicum / E.P. Glinnik, A.V. Bun, V.N. Lemesh [et al.]. - Minsk: BSEU, 2021. – 199s.
- Accounting and pricing in public catering: textbook. manual / V.B. Gurko [et al.]. – Minsk: RIPO, 2021. – 206s.
- Accounting financial accounting in organizations in the sphere of commodity circulation: studies. manual / V.B. Gurko [et al.]; edited by V.B. Gurko. – Minsk: BSEU, 2018. – 395s.
- Yatskovskaya, T.S. Accounting: textbook.- method. manual / T.S. Yatskovskaya. – Minsk: BSEU, 2018. – 189s.
To facilitate the employment of graduates, meetings of 3-4 year students with representatives of accounting and audit campaigns are organized annually. Graduates of the department are always in demand, as evidenced by one hundred percent distribution, subsequently work as chief accountants of organizations of all forms of ownership and activities, as economists and auditors.
International relations dep.
e-mail :
Tel.: (+375 17) 209-88-32,
International students office:
Tel.: (+375 17) 209-79-71