Department of Intercultural Economic Communication
The Chair of the department is Irina Kovalevskaya, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor. The teachers of the Department – 16(11 regular staff, 5 part-timers): Professors – 1, PhDs – 9, Head Teachers – 2, Teachers – 4.
The Department trains students for major 6-05-0231-03 Language Support of Intercultural Communication (with the indication of the languages) (Bachelor's degree)
The list of the disciplines taught by the faculty members of the Department comprises 32:
- Introduction to Linguistics
- Introduction to Communications Theory
- Interpretation of Communicative Behavior
- Communicative Grammar
- Communicative Technologies
- Cultural Context of Professional Communication
- Basics of Creative Writing and Editing
- Basics of Language Theory
- Translation
- Pragmatic Aspects of Translation (optional)
- Practicum on Culture of Speech Communication First Foreign Language
- Practicum on Culture of Speech Communication Second Foreign Language
- Practicum on Intercultural Communication
- Practical Translation Course Second Foreign Language
- Practical Course of Profession Oriented Language First Foreign Language
- Practical Course of Profession Oriented Language Second Foreign Language
- Professional Code of Conduct for Interpreters (optional)
- Summarized Translation First Foreign Language
- Public Relations
- Semantics
- Semiotics of Culture
- Syntactics
- Simultaneous Interpreting First Foreign Language
- Interpreter's Shorthand Writing (optional)
- Modern Translation and Interpreting Technologies
- Sociolinguistics
- Stylistic Basics of Translation
- Strategies of Communicative Behavior
- Theory and Practice of Text Transcoding Second Foreign Language
- Translation Theory
- Interpreting First Foreign Language
- Advertising Language
The Department carries out scientific research activities in the field of linguistics, pedagogy of higher school and methods of teaching foreign languages aimed at higher quality of education and better methodological support.
The teachers of the Department provide guidance to the FIBC students on their graduation papers and take an active part in the international scientific events. The Department was awarded the Third Prize in the category “The Best Department for Its International Cooperation” in 2022.
The Department carries out research on "Development of Integrative Model of FIBC Students' Professional Competencies and Its Introduction into Educational Process". As a result of the Department staff's research activities a great number of scientific papers, conference reports as well as textbooks and teaching materials are published. Listed below are the main textbooks:
- Демченко, А.И. Практикум по переводу с английского языка на русский для иностранных студентов БГЭУ / А. И. Демченко, Е. В. Резниченко ; М-во образования Респ. Беларусь, Белорус. гос. экон. ун-т. - Минск : БГЭУ, 2022. - 121, [1] с.
- Ефимчик, О.Е. Стратегии коммуникативного поведения : учебное пособие для иностранных студентов учреждений высшего образования по специальности "Лингвистическое обеспечение межкультурных коммуникаций (по направлениям)" : допущено Министерством образования Республики Беларусь / О. Е. Ефимчик, Н. М. Эдвардс, Н. М. Интерпретация коммуникативного поведения = Communicative Behaviors Interpretation : учебно-методическое пособие. - Минск : БГЭУ, 2019. - 149, [1] с.
- Ковалевская, И.И. Лексические и грамматические проблемы перевода = Lexical and Grammatical Translation Problems : учебно-методическое пособие на английском языке / И.И. Ковалевская, И. В. Кратёнок. – Минск: БГЭУ. – 2020. – 144 с.
- Курганова, Н. И. Французский язык. Практический курс перевода (французский – русский) / Cours pratique de traduction: учебное пособие по французскому языку. – Минск: БГЭУ, 2018. – 111 с.
- Курганова, Н. И. Лингвистическая семантика: учебное пособие / Н. И. Курганова. – Минск: БГЭУ, 2023. – 160 с.
- Маслов, Ю.В. Professionally oriented Communication = Профессиональное общение: учеб. пособие для студентов лингвист. специальностей: в 2 ч. (Ч.1). – Барановичи: БарГУ, 2020. – 255 с.
- Маслов, Ю. В. Основы интерпретации текста = The Basics of Text Interpretation : учебное пособие / Ю. В. Маслов, М. Е. Маслова : М-во образования Республики Беларусь, РИВШ. – Минск : РИВШ, 2021. – 240 с.
- Маслов, Ю.В. Английский язык. Практикум по межкультурной коммуникации / Ю.В. Маслов. – Минск: РИВШ, 2022. – 240 с.
- Эдвардс, Н. М. Стратегии коммуникативного поведения = Strategies for Communicative Behaviours : учебно-методическое пособие на английском языке. - Минск : БГЭУ, 2018. - 95, [1] с.
- Эдвардс, Н. М. Интерпретация коммуникативного поведения = Communicative Behaviors Interpretation : учебно-методическое пособие. - Минск : БГЭУ, 2019. - 149, [1] с.
The FIBC students take an active part under the guidance of the Department supervisors in the international scientific conferences, workshops and other similar events held in the Republic of Belarus and abroad. The best students’ research projects won prizes following the results of the Republican Contest of Students’ Scientific Works, All-Russia Competition for the Best Scientific Work of Students (Sochi), International Competition of Research and Design-Creative Works of Young Scientists of Eurasia, Chinese-Belarusian Youth Competition for Research and Innovation Projects, International Contest “In the World of Science: Issues of Philology, Language Education and Translation Studies” (I. Ya. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University), Republican Contest on Translation and Interpreting (MSLU) etc.
The Department annually holds a number of events in the framework of the National Students' Scientific and Practical Conference "State Economy of the Republic of Belarus: Problems and Development Prospects" including the organization of the Intercultural Economic Communication Section.
The Department has a custom to hold annually a festival of video projects and a translation contest within the School of International Business Communications' Linguistic Decade to enable the students to show their worth in preparing the profession-oriented projects in English as well as translating a foreign song and presenting it in a creative way.
The Department hosts a students' research laboratory "Communicator" guided by Professor N.I. Kurganova. Following the results of the competition among the Schools of the Belarusian State Economic University in 2019, 2020 and 2022 the laboratory was awarded the First Prize in the category "The Best Project in the Social and Humanitarian Sphere".
In order to train qualified translators and organize students' efficient self-work as well as provide them with an experience of practical translation and improve their translation skills the Department runs the Students' Translation Centre that provides translation services for the BSEU structural units and other organizations.
International relations dep.
e-mail :
Tel.: (+375 17) 209-88-32,
International students office:
Tel.: (+375 17) 209-79-71