The Department of Information Technologies

Head of Department Marina Sadovskaya, Ph. D. (engineering), Associate Professor.

Deputy Head of the Department on educational workNatalya Tokarevskaya, Ph. D. (physics and mathematics), Associate Professor.

Deputy Head of the Department for methodical and scientific workNatalia Govyadinova, Associate professor.

Deputy head of the department for ideological and educational workAlexey Buter.

The department is part of the Faculty of Digital Economy and conducts classes with students for all forms of education at all faculties, including: in the Master's program, the Higher School of Management and Business, at the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Economic Personnel, at the Faculty of Pre-university Training.



The subjects taught at the department are:

For general higher education:

for advanced higher education:

for retraining:


The main directions of scientific research of the department:

To discuss the results of research at the department, there is a scientific problem seminar. Chairman – Ph. D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor Alexander Gordich.

The department operates a student research laboratory «ITE-skills» (Skills in area of Information Technologies and Economics) under the guidance of Ph. D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor Alexander Gordich. The findings of students' scholarly research are presented at the national and international scientific conferences, contests of scholarly works, and scientific publications.

The department’s active teaching and methodical work is underway. The department’s teachers have published a great number of teaching and methodological materials. The most significant of them are:

– textbooks published with the approval of the Ministry of Education of Republic of Belarus:

– textbooks published with the approval of the EMA for economic education:


Address:  26 Partizansky Av., building 2,
office 310,312

Tel./Fax:+375 17 209 78-32 - department
