Department of mathematical methods in economics

Since 1967, the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Programming has been operating at the Belarusian State Institute of National Economy. Over more than half a century, the department underwent several renamings, reflecting its evolving focus on training specialists in mathematical modeling of economic systems and processes. It is now known as the Department of Mathematical Methods in Economics (MME).

The department has been led by prominent Belarusian and Russian scholars who have contributed to the development and application of economic and mathematical methods in applied research. Among them are N.I. Veduta, S.A. Dumler, Y.N. Zhikhar, A.A. Lapko, N.I. Kholod, and I.V. Belko. Since 2009, the department has been headed by Dr. Gigla Otarovich Chitaya, Doctor of Economic Sciences. Currently, the head of the department is Yulia Leonidovna Ratusheva, Associate Professor and Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

The department actively participates in the continuous training of students in economics-related fields, focusing on the application of mathematical models and information technologies for analyzing, justifying, developing, and making management decisions at various levels of economic systems. The faculty delivers lectures, practical classes, and laboratory sessions tailored to the needs of individual faculties and the specific training of future economists.

The courses offered are closely integrated with specialized disciplines from other departments, ensuring a comprehensive education. All topics include laboratory sessions where students perform numerical calculations on personal computers. Programming languages and specialized software packages are used for modeling calculations, applying methods and algorithms from operations research, econometrics, and applied statistical analysis.


Undergraduate Education:

  1. Economic Cybernetics, specialization: Optimal Planning and Management in Economics (no admissions since 2023 due to changes in the list of specialties).
  2. Applied Mathematics, specialization: Economic Cybernetics (admissions started in 2023).

Master's Degree:

  1. Economics, specialization: Mathematical and Instrumental Methods in Economics.

The department serves as the graduating department for undergraduate programs in:

  1. Economic Cybernetics (qualification: Cyberneticist-Economist).
  2. Applied Mathematics, specialization: Economic Cybernetics (qualification: Applied Mathematician-Programmer).

Admission to the Applied Mathematics program requires strong preparation in mathematics, physics, and the native language, with one of the highest competition rates at Belarusian State Economic University (BSEU).
Graduates are well-prepared for analytical, planning, and managerial roles across various economic sectors. They are employed in enterprises, organizations, municipal and regional structures, audit firms, banks, investment and insurance companies, research institutes, and educational institutions.

The training emphasizes three core areas: mathematics, economics, and information technology. This approach equips graduates with expertise in computer modeling, economic and mathematical modeling methods, and forecasting the dynamics of economic objects and processes. The demand for specialists in this field has grown significantly in recent years. The Applied Mathematics program has a duration of 4 years for full-time students, with no correspondence option.

Research Activities. The department provides training for the second stage of higher education in the specialty Economics, specialization: Mathematical and Instrumental Methods in Economics.

The department's scientific work focuses on implementing state research programs, conducting contractual applied research with enterprises and organizations in Belarus, training scientific personnel, and developing textbooks and teaching aids that meet modern standards.

A significant area of the department's research is the preparation of highly qualified scientific personnel through postgraduate and doctoral programs in specialty 08.00.13 – Mathematical and Instrumental Methods in Economics. Leading professors participate in the Dissertation Defense Council D 02.07.02 at BSEU, the Expert Commission of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus in Economic Sciences, and editorial boards of leading scientific journals in economics.


Disciplines (2024–2025 Academic Year):

  1. Analytical Geometry
  2. Higher Mathematics (including Mathematical Programming)
  3. Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Logic
  4. Simulation and Statistical Modeling
  5. Operations Research
  6. Computer Modeling of Economic Systems
  7. Computer Methods of Securities Analysis
  8. Linear Algebra
  9. Mathematical Economics
  10. Machine-Oriented Programming
  11. Methods of Dynamic Economic Analysis
  12. Optimization Methods
  13. Multivariate Statistical Analysis
  14. Financial Market Modeling
  15. Fundamentals of Higher Algebra
  16. Applied Mathematical Models in Economic Sectors
  17. Development of Cross-Platform Applications
  18. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
  19. Programming Technologies
  20. Numerical Methods
  21. Econometrics
  22. Econometrics in Management Information Processing
  23. Economic Cybernetics

Master's Degree Courses:

  1. Quantitative Methods of Analysis in Business
  2. Optimization Methods in Financial Calculations
  3. Applied Quantitative Methods in Management
  4. Econometrics of Financial Asset Time Series

Educational and educational-methodical publications and complexes

Research work

Main publications:

    1. Economic and mathematical methods and models: textbook / S.F. Miksyuk, V.N. Komkov, I.V. Belko [et al.]; under the general editorship of S.F. Miksyuk, V.N. Komkov. — Minsk: BGEU, 2006. — 219 p.
    2. Economic and mathematical methods and models: workshop / S.F. Miksyuk [et al.]; under the general editorship of S.F. Miksyuk. — Minsk: BGEU, 2008. — 312 p.
    3. Kostevich, L.S. Operations research. Game theory: textbook / L.S. Kostevich, A.A. Lapko. — 2nd ed., revised and enlarged. — Minsk: Higher. school, 2008. — 368 p.
    4. Kostevich, L.S. Mathematical programming. Workshop. / L.S. Kostevich, I.V. Gaidukevich. — Minsk: BGEU, 2009. — 224 p.
    5. Dzeniseika, I.V. Econometrics: laboratory workshop / I.V. Dzeniseika, T.A. Borodina. — Minsk: BGEU, 2010. — 109 p.
    6. Economic and mathematical methods and models: laboratory workshop [Electronic resource] / T.A. Borodina [et al.]. — Minsk: BGEU, 2012. — 138 p. — Access mode:
    7. Econometrics and economic and mathematical methods and models: textbook / G.O. Chitaya [et al.]; edited by G.O. Chitaya, S.F. Miksyuk. — Minsk: BGEU, 2018. — 511 p.
    8. Quantitative Methods of Analysis in Business: electronic educational and methodological complex for master's degree students majoring in 1—25 80 01 "Economics" [Electronic resource] / G.O. Chitaya. — Minsk: BGEU, 2019. — Access mode:
    9. Multivariate Statistical Analysis: electronic educational and methodological complex for students majoring in 1-31 03 06 "Economic Cybernetics (by areas)" [Electronic resource] / G. O. Chitaya. — Minsk: BGEU, 2020. — Access mode:
    10. Econometrics and economic—mathematical methods and models: educational and methodological complex [Electronic resource] / L.F. Dezhurko, E.V. Kryuk, O.D. Yufereva. – Minsk: BGEU, 2021. — Access mode:
    11. Aksen, E.M. Nonlinear optimization: the method of Lagrange multipliers: an electronic teaching aid for students of economic specialties / E.M. Aksen. — Minsk: BGEU, 2022. – 94 p. – Access mode:
    12. Erchak, O.V. Inventory management in logistics: a tutorial / O.V. Erchak, S.F. Miksyuk, N.V. Martynovich — Minsk: RIPO, 2023. — 108 p.
    13. Aksen E.M. Modeling the impact of the level of digitalization on economic growth, taking into account the delay / E.M. Aksen, O.V. Shishko // Economy, modeling, forecasting: collection of scientific papers / Research Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.
    14. Miksyuk, S.F. Budgeting and advanced management of an enterprise in conditions of economic instability: a conceptual approach // S.F. Miksyuk Collection of scientific papers "Scientific Works of BGEU" / Minsk: BGEU, 2023. pp. 262–272.
    15. Chitaya G.O. Optimization of the structure of bank borrowers' debt in the medium term // Business. Innovations. Economy. Collection of scientific articles. — Minsk: Institute of Business of BSU, 2023. — Issue. 7. — pp. 130–137.
    16. Lemeshevsky A.S. Blockchain technology in business: Prospects for the Republic of Belarus // Collection of articles of the International scientific and practical conference. — Minsk: Institute of Business of BSU, 2023. pp. 319–322.
    17. Chitaya, G.O. Methodology for structuring priorities in the production of baby food / G.O. Chitaya, I.V. Dzeniseika // Scientific. tr. / Belarusian state econ. Un-t. — Minsk: Kolorgrad, 2023. — Issue. 16. — P. 517–522.
    18. Chitaya, G. O. Assessment of structural changes in the manufacturing industry of Belarus / G. O. Chitaya, A. N. Disko // Bulletin of the Belarusian State Economic University. — 2023. — № 3. — P. 97–106.



Address:  Partizansky Ave. 26, Building 4, room 804

Tel.:+375 17 209 88 48


Staff of the department

  1. Chitaya Gigla Otarovich, Doctor of Science in Economics, Associate Professor, head of the department
  2. Aksen Ernest Mavricievich, Doctor of Science in Economics, Associate Professor
  3. Asanovich Valery Yakovlevich, Doctor of Science in Chemistry, Professor
  4. Borodina Tatyana Anatolyevna, Assistant Professor
  5. Dezhurko Lyudmila Fedorovna, PhD in physical and mathematical sciences, Associate Professor
  6. Deniseiko Irina Valerievna, Assistant Professor
  7. Disko Anzhelika Nikolaevna, Assistant Professor
  8. Efremov Andrey Alexandrovich, Assistant Professor
  9. Krouk Elena Vladislavovna, PhD., Associate Professor
  10. Lukyanenko Alexey Yuryevich, Assistant Professor
  11. Miksyuk Svetlana Fedorovna, Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor
  12. Nikitina Karina Romanovna, Assistant Professor
  13. Parashchenko Vladimir Viktorovich, Assistant Professor
  14. Ratusheva Julia Leonidovna, PhD in physical and mathematical sciences, Associate Professor
  15. Stashevskaya Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
  16. Filchuk Lyudmila Vladimirovna, Assistant Professor
  17. Kholod Nikolay Ignatievich, Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor
  18. Shinkevich Elena Alekseevna, PhD of physical and mathematical sciences, Associate Professor
  19. Shishko Olga Vladimirovna, Assistant Professor
  20. Yufereva Olga Dementievna, Assistant Professor