Department of Statistics

Chair of the department is PhD., associate prof. Stanislav Vysotskii.

Statistics department as a BSEU structural unit has been functioning since the academic year 1953/1954. The department's Chairs were: Dr. hab. prof. A. Kazachenok, Dr. associate prof.    A. Bulat, Dr. associate prof. I. Terlizhenko, Dr. associate prof. N. Timofeeva, Dr. hab., prof. M. Novikov, Dr. prof. I. Teslyuk, Dr. associate prof.  L. Karpenko, Dr. associate prof. N. Agabekova. Since July 2024  - PhD., associate professor Vysotskii Stanislav.

There are a lot of government officials among the graduates of the Statistics department: Chairman of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus I. Medvedeva, First deputy Chairman of the National Statistical Committee E. Kukharevich.

In 2024-2025 academic year, there are 16 members at the Department, 2 of them are Doctors of Economics, 8 PhD, 4 assistants, 2 specialists.


Statistics department is the one in Belarus that trains specialists in Statistics (major codes 1-25 01 05, 6-05-0541-01).Teaching process is carried out in accordance with the syllabus approved by the Ministry of Education of Belarus and Educational standard of the majors 1-25 01 05,      6-05-0541-01 Statistics. 

Educational activities

The Department teaches a large scope of special disciplines, including the theory of statistics; statistics; business statistics; social statistics; population statistics; demographics; financial and banking statistics; price statistics; multivariate statistical methods; econometric modeling techniques and others.

Research work

The Department has close contacts with the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus. Since November 2009 a branch of the Statistics Department operates in  the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus.

Preparation of the teaching staff is conducted through postgraduate and master's programs. Over the recent 15 years, the department members have defended three doctoral theses and 12 PhD theses.

During the period 2010-2024  teachers and graduate students of the Statistics department have published 30 books, over 300 scientific papers and 400 abstracts and conference proceedings.

Main research areas are: 

1. Statistical methodology development within the frameworks of integration of Eurasian Economic Union member-countries.
2. Statistical modeling and analysis of qualitative indicators of socio-economical and demographical development of the Rep. of Belarus under unstable influence of exogenous factors.
3.  Developing a regulatory strategy to limit the shadow economy activities with the purpose of rising of national economy of the Rep. of Belarus safety and competitiveness.
4. Statistical estimation of human resource in the National Accounts system.
5. Statistical modeling and analysis of regional competitive advantages in the development of the Rep. of Belarus economy. 
6. Statistical estimation and analysis of Age structure of population as a demographic system component. 
7. Statistical modeling and analysis of ecological indicators.
8. Theory and methodology of analysis of the modified inter-sectoral balance (ecological-economical aspect).



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office 217

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