The Department of Economic Informatics
The history of the department is closely connected with the development of Internet technologies, information technologies and systems. In 2000, the Department of Information Technologies in Management was created, which became part of the Higher School of Management and Business of the Belarusian State University of Economics. In 2004, the department was included in the Faculty of Management, and in 2005 it was renamed the Department of Economic Informatics.
Since 2005, in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus No. 04-01-11/757 dated March 17, 2005, the department for the first time in the Republic of Belarus opened training in the specialty 1-25 01 12 "Economic Informatics".
In 2019, the Faculty of Digital Economy was created at the university, which included the Department of Economic Informatics.
The first head of the department was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Aleksandrovich Grabaurov. In the period from 2000 to 2006, he did a great job of establishing the department as a graduating department in specialty 1 25-01-12 - "Economic Informatics".
From 2006 to August 2017, the department was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Boris Aleksandrovich Zhelezko. In the 2006-2007 academic year, an educational standard for the specialty 1 25-01-12 - Economic Informatics was developed for the first time, as well as the corresponding model and curricula.
In the 2017-2018 academic year, the department was headed by Candidate of Economic Sciences Inna Vladimirovna Khmelnitskaya. In the period 2018-2023, the department was headed by Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Anna Mikhailovna Zenevich. Since September 2, 2024, the department has been headed by candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Liya Valentinovna Serebryanaya.
The current staff of the department is 2 professors, 6 associate professors, 3 senior lecturers, 2 assistants, 2 leading specialists.
- Liya Valentinovna Serebryanaya, head of the department, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor;
- Valentina Vasilievna Gedranovich, associate professor of the department, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor;
- Anna Mikhailovna Zenevich, associate professor of the department, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor;
- Aleksandr Stepanovich Kravchuk, professor of the department, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor;
- Viktor Anatolyevich Mironenko, associate professor of the department, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences;
- Punchik Zoya Vladimirovna, associate professor of the department, candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor;
- Sedun Andrey Maksimovich, professor of the department, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor;
- Sosnovsky Oleg Anatolyevich, associate professor of the department, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor;
- Dashuk Ellina Vladimirovna, senior lecturer;
- Zmeeva Yulia Viktorovna, assistant;
- Kovalev Alexander Petrovich, senior teacher;
- Lubasheva Tatyana Vladimirovna, assistant;
- Punchik Nikolay Nikolaevich, senior teacher;
- Kupchenko Maya Nikolaevna, leading specialist;
- Tsibulko Irina Valerievna, leading specialist.
The department currently trains specialists in general higher education in the specialty 1-25 01 12 (6-05-0311-05) "Economic Informatics" with the assignment of the qualification "economist-informatician" in full-time education and advanced higher education in the specialty 7-06-0311 "Economics", profiling "Data Analysis in Economics and Business with the assignment of a master's degree.
While studying at the Department of Economic Informatics, students gain practical experience for further work in their specialty.
The following academic disciplines are assigned to the Department of Economic Informatics.
General Higher Education
- Algorithmization and Programming**
- Analysis and Modeling of Business Processes
- Automation of Management Accounting
- Business Analytics
- Business Office of the Organization
- Information Technologies
- Information Management
- Instrumental Systems of Business Analytics ** Instrumental Systems of Business Analytics
- Intelligent Data Analysis**
- Internet Marketing
- IT Infrastructure of the Organization
- Computer Information Technologies (Management)
- Computer Networks and Database Management
- Corporate Information Systems
- Computer Graphics **
- Fundamentals and Methodologies of Programming
- Fundamentals of Web Design**
- Entrepreneurship in the Sphere of Information Technologies
- Programming in Information Systems
- Design of Economic Information Systems
- Industrial Programming
- Artificial Intelligence Systems**
- Decision Support Systems
- Telecommunication Systems and Computer networks**
- Software testing**
- Management of enterprise information infrastructure and audit of information technologies**
- Management of IT projects
- Digital technologies of data presentation
- Economic efficiency of information systems
- Electronic business**
- SQL language
- High-level programming languages
- Web programming**
For students of the 2 degree of higher education:
- Data analysis in Python
- Business analytics
- Information and logical languages of databases
- Integrated information systems for planning of organizational resources
- Modeling and analysis of business processes**
- Technologies of data mining
- Technologies of data mining (in English)
** elective disciplines
The department conducts research in the following areas:
- study of transformation of business models of organizations in the digital economy;
- analysis of advanced practices of business analysis of enterprise architecture, modeling and optimization of business processes in the digital economy;
- analysis of methods and tools of data management in the digital economy;
- implementation of SAP technologies in production processes of organizations;
- Big Data and decision support systems;
- IT education and reengineering of educational business processes;
- evaluation of the effectiveness of information systems;
- tools for data mining in economics and management;
- intelligent analysis of educational data;
- modern approaches to managing the educational process and their modeling;
- electronic business and Internet marketing.
The department has a scientific problem seminar, the Chairman of which is Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Kravchuk A.S. Under the supervision of assistant Dashuk E.V., the department operates a student research laboratory (SRL) "Data Science Lab", the main research direction of which is data analytics in various industries (Data Science).
In 2012, a joint SAP-BSEU-EPAM training laboratory was created at the department. In 2014, the Department of Economic Informatics opened a branch of the department in IOOO "EPAM Systems". In 2019, another branch of the Department of Economic Informatics was opened on the basis of A2 Consulting LLC. In 2020, a joint training laboratory of A2 Consulting LLC and FCE was created.
- Serebryanaya, L. V. Methods for constructing artificial neural networks for data classification / Serebryanaya L. V. // Digital transformation. – 2022. – V. 28, No. 1. – P. 20 – 26.
- Andreenko A. A., Serebryanaya L. V. Determination of financial stability of enterprises based on their automatic classification / A. A. Andreenko, L. V. Serebryanaya // “Social, economic and legal investigations”. – 2023. – No. 1 (71) . – P. 109–115.
- Chebakov S. V., Serebryanaya L. V. Method for achieving the goal on a graph model with two quality criteria / S. V. Chebakov, L. V. Serebryanaya // Reports of BSUIR. – 2023. – No. 4. – P. 84–92.
- Novikov V. A., Busnyuk N. N. Measuring the types of informal interaction between group members. – Higher school. 6(158) – 2023, pp.15-20.
- Gedranovich, V.V. Tools and web services for organizing communications between teachers and students / V.V. Gedranovich // Current trends in social communications: history and modernity: collection of scientific articles / scientific editor G.V. Merzlyakova. – Izhevsk: Udmurt University, 2024. – pp.527-539.
- Dashuk, E.V. Analysis of business processes in the context of digital transformation / E.V. Dashuk, A.M. Zenevich // Vesnik BDEU. – Minsk: BGEU, 2023. – No.3. – pp.106-114.
- Punchik, Z. V. Fundamentals of Ethically Oriented Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Training of Specialists / Z. V. Punchik, A. M. Zenevich // Pedagogy of Informatics. - 2023. - No. 1-2. - P. 60-68.
- Punchik, Z. V. Ethically Oriented Use of Artificial Intelligence as a Necessary Competence of IT Specialists / Z. V. Punchik, A. M. Zenevich // Scientific Works of the Belarusian State University of Economics. Issue 16 / Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, Belarusian State University of Economics; [editorial board: A. V. Egorov (editor-in-chief) and others]. - Minsk: Kolorgrad, 2023. - P. 363-369.
- Sosnovsky, O. A. Software robots as a tool for digital transformation of the economy / O. A. Sosnovsky, S. N. Genrikhsen, A. M. Zenevich // Bulletin of the Belarusian State University of Economics. - 2023. - No. 4. - P. 46-54 (August, 2023)
- Sedun, A.M., Davydenkova, E.V. Artificial intelligence in the financial sector: criteria for assessing investment projects within the framework of the Belt and Road initiative. Actual vectors of Belarusian-Chinese trade and economic cooperation: collection of articles from the IV international scientific and practical conference (Minsk, December 13, 2023) / editorial board: Yu. A. Shavruk (editor-in-chief) [other]. - Minsk: Colorgrad, 2024. - P. 30-35.
- Kovalev, A.P. Formation of personalized mechanisms of information perception and work with them on the example of the neural network Tutor Ai / A.P. Kovalev, N.L. Kovaleva // Mastery online [Electronic resource]. - 2023. - 3 (36). Access mode: Access date: December 1, 2023
- Kovalev, A.P. Formation of an effective team and professional management in vocational education institutions / A.P. Kovalev, N.L. Kovaleva // Mastery online [Electronic resource]. - 2
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