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The department of commercial activity and real estate market

The Department of Commercial Activity and Real Estate Market received its present name in 2018. The renaming of the Department was caused by the opening of new specialties and training specializations and the development of new academic disciplines.

The Department is the successor to the Department of Trade Organization. It had been functioning as an independent scientific and pedagogical unit since 1978 when its predecessor, the Department of Economics and Trade Organization, was founded in 1933 during the formation of V. Kuibyshev Byelorussian State Institute of National Economy, was divided into several departments.

Throughout its history the Department was headed by a number of highly-ranked specialists: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, a leading specialist of the Republic in the field of organization and trade technology V.N. Platonov (1978-1991); Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor N.I. Kabushkin (1991-1997); Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor G.A. Korolenok (1997-2003); Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor G.G. Gotsky (2003-2014), Associate Professor L.S. Klimchenia (2014-2023). Since 2023, the Department has been headed by Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor N. E. Svireyko.

The Department is proud that one of the BSEU rectors, Professor R.M. Karseko came from this team. Today, 1 consultant professor, 1 professor, 7 associate professors and 3 assistant professors successfully work at the Department.


The department trains specialists in the specialties “Economics and Management” with a specialization in “Economics and Management in the Real Estate Market” with the qualification “Economist-Manager”; “Commerce” in the profiles “Commerce in the export market” and “Electronic commerce” with the qualification “Economist”.

At the postgraduate stage of higher education (Master's programme), in-depth training is carried out in the specialties "Economics" and "Commerce". The Department provides training for a number of Master's programmes: "Commerce in the export market", "Economics and management in the real estate market".

Educational activities


At the undergraduate stage of higher education, the following academic disciplines are assigned to the department:

As part of Master's training, the following academic disciplines are assigned to the department:

Research work

The Department employs highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff. Over the years Doctors of Economic Sciences, Professors A.S. Artemiev, I.L. Akulich, N.I. Kabushkin, R.M. Karseko worked at the Department. Professors G.A. Korolenok and V.N. Platonov continue their fruitful activities for the Department today.

A lot of attention is paid to the training of highly qualified scientists through doctoral studies. Over the past ten years, 10 dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences have been defended at the Department. Today there are 5 graduate students and 1 doctoral student at the Department. Professor G. A. Korolenok heads the Scientific and Pedagogical School of Economics and Management in Trade.
Scientific research is constantly conducted at the Department both within the framework of the State Research Program and under contracts. Since 2021, as part of the State Scientific Research Programme "Society and Human Security of the Belarusian State", the scientific study "Formation of a mechanism for promoting Belarusian manufacturers goods to the world market through electronic commerce" has been carried out. Only for the last five years the Department staff have published more than 110 scientific articles and a number of monographs.

A variety of modern educational technologies are widely used in teaching to ensure the unity of the educational and scientific processes such as testing, business games, case methods, multimedia presentations, controlled independent work of students. The Department is a partner of the State Committee for Property of the Republic of Belarus. The leading specialists of the State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the National Centre for Marketing and Price Study of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, the Belarusian Republican Chamber of Commerce and Industry, regional agencies for state registration and land cadastre; CJSC "Meat and Dairy Company"; LLC "Morozprodukt", LLC “Your Capital” are involved in the educational process.

The Department cooperates with a number of domestic and foreign higher educational institutions: Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; the Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives; The Institute of Business of the Belarusian State University, Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent State University of Economics, etc.

The department prepared a number of educational and scientific publications:

  1. Svireiko, N.E. Trading equipment: a textbook / N.E. Svireiko, L.S. Klimchenya. — Minsk: RIPO, 2022..
  2. Kvasnikova, V.V. The world market of linen fabric: state and prospects of development / V.V. Kvasnikova, O.O. Gerasimova. — Vitebsk: UO "VSTU", 2022.
  3. Promotion of Belarusian goods and services to the consumer market / G.A. Korolenok [and others]; ed. Dr. Econ. sciences, prof. G.A. Little queen. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2021.
  4. Korolenok G.A. Promotion of innovative food products to the consumer market: theory and practice / G.A. Korolenok, O.Yu. Ostaltseva. - Minsk: BelNIIT "Transtechnika", 2021.
  5. Residential and non-residential real estate: educational and methodical. manual for students of higher education institutions studying in the specialty 1-25 01 16 “Economics and management in the real estate market [Electronic resource] / [L.S. Klimchenia and others]; ed. L.S. Klimchenya. - Minsk: BSEU, 2021.
  6. Korolenok, G.A. Management of trade, catering and real estate: a textbook for university students in the specialties "Commercial activity", "Economics and management in the real estate market" / G. A. Korolenok. - Minsk: BDEU, 2020.
  7. Korolenok G.A. Foreign trade relations of the Republic of Belarus: monograph / G.A. Korolenok, T.A. Osipovich. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2015.
  8. Korolenok G.A. Management in trade: textbook / G.A. Korolenok, G.G. Gotsky. - Minsk: BSEU, 2012.
  9. Organization of entrepreneurial activity: textbook / ed. L.S. Klimchenia. - Minsk: Amalfeya, 2017.
  10. Platonov V.N. Organization and technology of trade: a textbook for higher education. institutions / V.N. Platonov, L.S. Klimchenia. - Minsk: BSEU, 2017.
  11. Urish I.V. Organization and technology of public catering / Urish I.V., Stasyukevich S.V. - Minsk: BSEU, 2016.
  12. Flerko S.L. Commercial activity: workshop / S.L. Flerco. - Minsk: Misanta, 2013. .
  13. Romina A.G. Commercial activity: textbook. allowance / A.G. Romina. - Minsk: BSEU, 2009.
  14. Klimchenia L.S., Bobrovskaya O.A., Lagoiko V.V. Organization and technology of trade: workshop / L.S. Klimchenia, O.A. Bobrovskaya, V.V. Lagoiko. - Minsk: BSEU, 2008.
  15. Klimchenia L.S. E-commerce: textbook. allowance / L.S. Klimchenia. - Minsk: Higher School, 2004.


Address:7 Sverdlova st. , Bldg 5, room 305

Tel.:+375 17 209 79-83- Chair

Email: kupt@bseu.by