Department of economics and management of tourism industry

The Department of Economics and Management of Tourism Industry still permanently develops. At different times it has been headed by Sc.D., Professor A.P. Durovitch, Sc.D., Ph.D. in Geohraphy, Associate Professor A.I. Tarasyonok, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor A. Valantsevitch, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor A. Yezhel and from 2023 is headed by Ph.D. in Economics A. Matvienko.

At present, it employs 15 lecturers: 2 Doctors of Science, Professors, 6 PhD, Associate Professors, as well as lecturers on internal part-time basis such as associate professor of the Department of merchandise science and product expertise, Ph.D. in Biology.


The Department presents the following educational programs:

-6-05-0311-02 "Economics and management" (full-time and correspondent forms of the 1st stage of higher education) with 2 profilizations: "Economics and management of tourism business", "Economics and management of the hotel business". Graduates are qualified as "Economist. Manager" and are prepared to work either as specialists in tourist organizations of a different level, hotels, restaurants, etc., or as owners of business in this directions.

-7-06-0311-01 "Economics" with profiling "Economics and Management of Tourist Complexes and Territories" (full-time of the 2-nd stage of higher education). Graduators are granted with the degree of "Master". Alumnus can neither broaden and increase their knowledge inside management, marketing, organization and economics of different tourism and hospitality activities, nor get innovative and practice-oriented skills necessary to work on senior positions.

Research work

To ensure achievement of identified targets, the Department coordinates issues related to the educational and scientific work of students, Master students and Ph.D students. It conducts extensive and multilateral studies and provides methodological guidance on these specialties within the Educational Associations of Economic Universities of Belarus as well.

A scientific school is being formed in the Department according to the directions of its activity. The conduction of scientific researches, the preparation of scientific and teaching staff, publishing of textbooks, monographs and educational and methodological material are occurring there. The department provides training for highly qualified personnel through postgraduate and doctoral programs in the specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and Management of the National Economy (recreation and tourism profile). For 2016-2019 defended 2 theses were defended:  by Traskevich A.G.  for Ph.D in Economics on the topic: "Formation of competitiveness of the sanatorium and resort segment of the tourism industry of Belarus" and  by Tarasenok A.I. for the degree of Doctor of Economics on the topic: "Geo-economics' mechanism for ensuring the competitiveness of national tourism destinations: methodology and implementation practice."

The main direction of fundamental and applied research is the problems and prospects for the development of tourism in the Republic of Belarus. Since 2018, the Department has organized research on the orders of the Belarusian Foundation for Basic Research and the State Institution "National Tourism Agency" on topical issues of perspective and innovative development of the tourism sector in Belarus, the Main department of sports and tourism of the Minsk City Executive Committee for the development of an innovative strategy for the formation of its own style of Minsk and its recognizable international appearance.

In 2015, the project "Sustainable development of tourist destinations based on the quality and innovation of tourism products in the field of event tourism in Tbilisi (Georgia) and Minsk (Belarus)" was implemented under the cooperation agreement between the Belarusian State Economic University and the University of Tartu (Pärnu College).

Since 2018, the department has been participating in the implementation of the academic mobility programs "ERASMUS +"and other bilateral agreements.
Within the projects, the entire teaching staff of the Department undergone training and improved their qualifications in the universities of the European Union. The Department participated in the organization and holding of international educational seminars both in the Republic of Belarus and abroad.

In addition, a number of teachers of the Department, master's degree students cooperate with international technical assistance projects: "Local entrepreneurship and economic development", implemented by UNDP (LEED) in 2012-2015 and "The support of sustainable tourism development in Belarus", implemented by the European Union in 2016-2018.

As a result, over the years, more than 70 teaching and practical manuals on the disciplines of the 1st and 2nd stages of training, 5 monographs and many articles have been published. The works of many teachers are indexed in international bibliographic databases of scientific publications (Scopus, Web of Science, RSCI).

Over the years of works at the Department more than 10.000 of graduates got their start in life. Many of them at the present hold ranks at the Department of Tourism of the Ministry of sports and tourism of the Republic of Belarus, National agency of Tourism, regional governing organs, leading tourist organizations and tourism industry.



Address:7 Sverdlova st. , room 113, bldg 5

Tel.:+375 17 209 79 21
+375 17 209 79 87
