
Modern and comfortable: the opening of the renovated BSEU Conference Hall

On January 31, the grand opening of the Conference Hall took place in the main building of the Belarusian State Economic University, the modernization of which continued from October 2022 to January 2023. The opening was timed to coincide with the first University Council this year, and fresh interior solutions caused genuine delight among the staff and students invited to the Council.

In his welcoming speech, Rector Alexei EGOROV noted that the modernized Conference Hall had become truly modern and comfortable, and expressed the hope that the cathedral audiences would expect the same large-scale renovations in the future.

In addition, Alexey Vladimirovich thanked the representatives of organizations invited to the Council for the high-quality work performed, and presented them with BSEU diplomas.

BSEU diplomas were also received by university employees who were directly involved in the work on the modernization of the Assembly Hall.

At the opening of the Council, the Day of Belarusian Science, which was celebrated last Sunday, was not ignored. Alexei Egorov presented the Certificate of Honor of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus to the First Vice-Rector of the Belarusian State Economic University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Elena Kireyeva. The diploma of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus was awarded to the winner of the competition for the best thesis of 2022 in the nomination "Humanities" Alexei Vereshchako (the topic of the Ph.D. thesis is "The dynamics of research programs in the classical and postclassical philosophy of technology").

The opening of the Conference Hall is a significant event in the anniversary year for BSEU in 2023. A number of important events are planned for the 90th anniversary of the university with the participation of the university management, staff, students and guests who will appreciate the modern interior and technical capabilities of the Hall.

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