
BSEU hosted the awarding of the winners of the Spartakiad of workers

On February 6, the winners of the Spartakiad of employees, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the university, were awarded. Two competitive weeks have shown which staff of which faculty and institute does not need physical improvement. But, as you know, there is no limit to perfection! That is why the organizers promise to finalize the format of the event and hold the Olympics every year.

Since January 23, many employees of BSEU have taken part in the Spartakiad of university employees. Everyone was able to demonstrate their skills in their favorite sports: mini-football, volleyball, table tennis, billiards, darts, chess, swimming or dominoes. The winners of the individual classification were determined and awarded immediately on the day of the competition, and the number of points scored in the team competition throughout the program helped determine the place of the faculty or division in the end.

In eight sports, the places were distributed as follows:
• In chess, the 1st place was taken by the FEM team, the 2nd by the FDE, and the 3rd place by the BSEU library team.
• In dominoes the FDE team took the 1st place, the FEM team took the 2nd place, the BSEU campus team took the 3rd place.
• In volleyball, the 1st place was taken by the ISSHE team, the 2nd by FEM, and the 3rd by the BSEU campus team.
• The ISSHE team won the women's mini-football, FEM won the 2nd place.
• In the men's mini-fitball, the teams ISSHE and FEM also became leaders with the first and second places, respectively.
• In table tennis, women and men competed in their own age groups. Among the winners are representatives of ISGO, the Library, sport center, FEM, FDE, FIER and FIBC.
• ISSHE won in swimming, second place went to FEM, third place went to FIER.
• FEM won in darts, ISSHE won the second place, FDE took the third place.
• The FEM team beat everyone in billiards, the ISSHE team took the 2nd place, the FCE team took the third place.
The winners of the team standings became known at the official awards ceremony. The vice-rector for educational work of BSEU Sergey SKRIBA delivered a welcoming speech to the participants. He thanked the staff for their activity, noted that the struggle was competitive and everyone showed good results: “I would especially like to note the work of the deans of faculties and institutes, who paid great attention to motivating employees. Today they will receive well-deserved cups and diplomas!”.

The third place in the team standings went to the Faculty of Digital Economy. Dean Tatyana Naletskaya went on stage to receive a diploma and a cup!

Dean of the Institute of Social and Humanitarian Education Danila Dobrorodniy received a cup and a diploma for the second place in the team event of the Spartakiad!

All those present congratulated Elena Petrichenko, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, on the first team place in the Spartakiad of BSEU employees, timed to coincide with the 90th anniversary of the founding of the university! For the 12th (!) time since 2008, the faculty takes first place in the Spartakiad of employees! As a prize, the team members will soon go on a sightseeing tour around Belarus.

For help in organizing, holding and encouraging the winners of the Spartakiad, we thank the university administration, the primary trade union organization of employees of BSEU, the sports club and the department of physical culture and economics of sports! This year, the BSEU employees' sports day, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the university, is declared closed!

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