
Graduation of students-distance students of the HSMB BSEU

On February 24, students of the Higher School of Management and Business graduated from the distance form of education in the specialty "Jurisprudence" (specialization "Economic Law"). Dean of the faculty Sergey Yuryevich KRICHEVSKY handed over diplomas to graduates. Aleksey Ivanovich VERESCHAKO, Head of the Center for Digital and Multimedia Technologies in Education, spoke to yesterday's students. He wished the audience successful application of information and communication technologies in their professional activities.

It was with the enrollment of HSMB in this specialty that 6 years ago our university launched an innovative educational project based on the systematic use of the capabilities of modern Internet technologies. Among young professionals seeking to receive a second higher education in absentia, he immediately aroused great interest. The number of students studying at the HSMB remotely increased by 6 times from 2017 to 2023. As a result of the implementation of a set of organizational, technical, educational and methodological measures, prepared by the Center for International Relations and the Dean's Office of the Higher School of Management and Business, BSEU has taken a leading (87%) position in the segment of the system of higher economic and legal education in Belarus. Now the Higher School of Management and Business provides training for 326 students already in three specialties: "Economics and Management at the Enterprise", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" and "Jurisprudence". According to the last two, our university is the only distance training center in the national system of higher education in Belarus.

We wish our distance learning graduates success in their professional activities and career growth!

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