
IV Inter-University Olympiad in Accounting

On March 21, the IV Inter-University Olympiad in Accounting "They Save Not with Income, but with Expense" was held at the Accounting and Economics Faculty of BGEU.

Teams from the Belarusian State University of Economics, Grodno State Agrarian University, Brest State Technical University, Baranovichi State University, Belarusian State Agricultural Academy and Belarusian State University of Food and Chemical Technologies took part in the Olympiad.

The Vice-Rector for Ideological and Educational Work Sergey Ivanovich SKRIBA and the Deputy Dean of the Accounting and Economics Faculty Olga Vladimirovna MALINOVSKAYA addressed the participants with a welcoming speech.

Sergey Ivanovich noted that the specialty "Accounting" is in great demand. He emphasized that the Olympiad will allow everyone to prove themselves and take an important step to withstand competition in this area. Sergey Ivanovich wished the participants a tough fight and further professional success.

The jury consisted of representatives of the organizations that ordered the personnel:
Petukh Aleksey Gennadyevich, managing partner of FBK-Bel LLC.
Monich Evgeniya Sergeevna, auditor of Capt LLC,
Santerskaya Elena Anatolyevna, head of the audit department of GrandBusiness Expert LLC,
Makey Natalya Mikhailovna, HR partner of GrandBusiness Expert LLC,
Golubtsova Irina Aleksandrovna, HR manager of Business Ashurens LLC.

YurSpektr LLC also acted as a permanent partner.

The Olympiad included the following stages: a business card-greeting of the teams, a team competition "Restoration of accounting registers and reporting after an emergency", a Captains' competition and a Practical Tour of the Olympiad.

The results of the IV Inter-University Olympiad in Accounting "They Save Not with Income, but with Expense" were determined by the jury as follows:

The winner of the Olympiad is the team of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy.
1st place - the team of the Belarusian State Economic University;
2nd place - the team of the Baranovichi State University;
3rd place - the team of the Grodno State Agrarian University.
We sincerely congratulate the participants of the IV Inter-University Olympiad in Accounting and wish them success in their creative and scientific activities!
On the same day, the IV Scientific Forum on the Analysis of Economic Activity was held at the UEF. The topic of the Forum was "Analysis of Economic Activity in Business Management: Experience, Problems and Development Prospects".

The jury members, headed by Vice-Rector for Research Alexey Alexandrovich BYKOV, noted the high level of preparation of all participants and chose the most striking and informative works.
Results of the IV Scientific Forum on Business Analysis:

1st place – BGEU;
2nd place – BarSU;
3rd place – BGSHA.

Congratulations to the participants of the Inter-University Forum on their excellent performances! We wish them further development and new brilliant results!

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