BGEU co-organized the conference "Paradiplomacy and Sustainable Development", supported by UNESCO

On March 22, the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation "Paradiplomacy and Sustainable Development" was held in a remote format. The event was held under the auspices of UNESCO.
The event was organized by: the Department of Political Science of the Belarusian State University of Economics, the Department of International Relations, Foreign Regional Studies and Tourism of the Tyumen State University, the Center for Geopolitics and Globalistics of the Siberian Federal University, as well as the initiators of the event - research committees of the Russian Association of Political Science (RAPS): No. 23 for Interregional International Cooperation and No. 3 for the Study of World Politics. BGEU teachers and graduate students presented their reports.
The participants' attention was covered a wide range of issues related to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals through paradiplomatic practices: cooperation between cities / regions in the field of sustainable development; sustainable urban/regional development and paradiplomacy; global paradiplomacy networks, etc.
The conference confirmed the importance of paradiplomacy as a tool for solving pressing problems of our time and achieving the Global Goals. All those involved in the conference noted that regular holding of such events will allow not only to exchange experiences, but also to form a sustainable network of contacts between researchers, practitioners, representatives of public and private organizations.
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