Training of Specialists (Courses)

Training of specialists in the following areas (PROGRAMS):

All forms of education are paid. Prices are negotiable. Beginning of occupations in process of acquisition of groups.

Training groups are formed in accordance with the received applications, contracts concluded for the provision of educational services and paid tuition fees before the start of classes.

By the beginning of class, the student should have:
- 2nd copy of the contract;
- A copy of the payment order for tuition fees;
- passport;
- travel permit (for non-resident).

Metro to the station "Academy of Sciences", then bus № 59, trolleybus №2, 33, 34, 35.92 to the stop "Mendeleev" or  the metro to the station "Tractor Plant", then bus № 84, 14 to the stop "Mendeleev".


Address: 26 Partizansky Av., building 2,
office 302-305

Tel.:+375 17 209 88 47,
+375 17 229 12 58

Fax:+375 17 209 78 29
