The Department of Accounting, Control and Finance

Chair of the department:

Matalytskaya Svetlana Konstantinovna
associate professor

The Department Faculty (regular staff): Victoria V. Akulich– head teacher.
Irina N. Burtseva– head teacher.
Larisa K. Golub– Associate Professor, Ph.D. in economics.
Lina V. Pashkovskaya– Associate Professor, Ph.D. in economics.
Galina V. Pisarenko - head teacher.

The Department is degree-granting. There are  12 Department members, including 6 full-time, among which there are 3 Ph.D. in economics. The proportion of the full- and part-time members with degrees is 56%.

All the activities of the Department are carried out in accordance with the Plan of academic and methodological, organizational and methodological, research, educational and social activity.
30 disciplines are assigned to the Department for the 2019-2020 academic years. The educational process of retraining students is organized in accordance with the curriculum and educational standards approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. The educational process of in-service training students is organized according to the curriculum agreed with the Customers (enterprises, ministries and agencies of the Republic of Belarus).

The Department members are engaged in in-service training of heads and specialists of ministries and agencies of the Republic of Belarus, accountants in organizations of various forms of ownership as well as training:

for the right to exercise the authority of the state representative in the management bodies of the non-state legal entities with shares (stakes) in the authorized funds belonging to the Republic of Belarus,
of specialists in Accounting for entrepreneurs (daytime and evening forms of training).

The topic of the Department's research activity for 2016-2020 is : "Developing theory, methodology and methods of accounting, control and finance in commercial and financial and credit organizations in an increasingly competitive environment and growing integration".

The main areas of the Department's scientific research for 2019-2020 include:
studying the theory, methodology and methods of accounting, control and finance in commercial and financial and credit organizations in an increasingly competitive environment and growing integration;
development of accounting mechanisms, audit procedures and methods for analyzing the activities of commercial and financial and credit organizations in an increasingly competitive environment and growing integration;
development of recommendations on budget management and operational financial planning of commercial and financial and credit organizations in an increasingly competitive environment and growing integration;
management accounting and accounting analysis of commercial and financial and credit organizations' activities in an increasingly competitive environment and growing integration;
development of theoretical, methodological and methodical foundations of accounting, control, finance and analysis of commercial and financial and credit organizations' activities in an increasingly competitive environment and growing integration.

The Department conducts retraining of students in specialties:

Name of specialty

The number of hours, disciplines

Code, specialist qualification

Finance and Credit in Entrepreneurial Activity

In total: 1010 hours
Disciplines: «Organization Finance» (150 hours), «Financial Management» (92 hours), «Financial Law» ( 40 hours), «Money, Credit and Banks» (90 hours), «Accounting and Reporting in Entrepreneurial Activity » (150 hours), «Entrepreneurial Risk Management» (34 hours), «Organization of Investment Financing» (46 hours), «Taxes and Taxation» (46 hours) « Economic Analysis of Enterprise » (58 hours) and others.

code 1-25 02 76,
qualification: Finance Economist

Financial management

In total: 1000 hours.
Disciplines: «Enterprise Economy», «Financial Law», «Marketing», «Taxes and Taxation», «Financial Management», «Accounting and Management Accounting», « Finance and Financial Market », «Management of Foreign Economic Activity » eand others/.

code 1-26 02 82,
qualification: Manager and Economist


In total: 1004 hours
Disciplines:« Organization of Banks Activities» (150 hours), «Money, Credit and Banks» (90 hours), «Bank Accounting» (150 hours), «Finance and Financial Market » (64 hours), « Analysis of Banks Activities and Risk Management » (88 hours), « Securities Market » (32 hours), « Monetary Policy and Bank Supervision » (46 hours) and others.

code 1-25 02 72,
qualification: Specialist in Banking

Accounting and Control in Entrepreneurial Activity

In total: 1020 hours
Disciplines: «Theoretical Basis of Accounting» (48 hours), « Accounting in Entrepreneurial Activity » (182 hours), « Accounting and Management Accounting in Entrepreneurial Activity » (60 hours), « Software Applications in Accounting and Control (including.  1С program) (50 hours), «Financial and Economic Control in Entrepreneurial Activity » (48 hours), « International Financial Reporting Standards » (42 hours), « Pricing » (20 hours) and others

code 1-25 03 88,
qualification:  Accountant and Economist

Accounting and Control in Production Sector

In total: 1020 hours
Disciplines:« Theoretical Basis of Accounting» (48 hours), «Accounting in Production Sector» (182 hours), Accounting and Management Accounting in Production Sector » (60 hours), « Software Applications in Accounting and Control (including.  1С) (50 hours), «Financial and Economic Control in in Production Sector » (48 hours), « International Financial Reporting Standards » (42 hours), « Pricing » (20 hours) and others

code 1-25 03 75,
qualification:  Accountant and Economist

Educational and training literature published by the Department members in 2015-2019:

  1. Accounting in Banks: training manual / L.K. Golub, V.V. Akulich.– Minsk : BSEU, 2019. – 54 p.
  2. Theory of Finance: study guide / G.V. Pisarenko. – Minsk : BSEU, 2018. – 49 p.
  3. Analysis of Economic Activity in Entrepreneurial Activity: study guide  / R.K. Matalytskaya, 2nd ed., RP – Minsk : BSEU, 2018. – 99 p.
  4. Analysis of Accounting (Financial) Statements of Activity : study guide / S.K. Matalytskaya, – Minsk : BSEU, 2018. – 108 p.
  5. Accounting : study guide / S.K. Matalytskaya, S.V. Barauskas, I.N. Burtseva, L.K. Golub, K.N. Kireenko, O.J. Ischuk– Minsk : BSEU, 2018. – 275 p.
  6. Accounting, Analysis and Control: Cases, Tests, Tasks: training course // S.K. Matalytskaya, S.V. Barauskas, V.V. Akulich, K.A. Shimansky, V.V. Primschitz. 3d ed., RP. Minsk, BSEU, 2017. - 150 p.
  7. Accounting and Statistical Reporting: study guide / S.V. Barauskas, K.A. Shimansky – Minsk : BSEU, 2015. – 143 p.
  8. Management Accounting: study guide / L.V. Pashkovskaya. 4th ed., RP and enlarged – Minsk, BSEU, 2018. -   119 p.
  9. Organization of Banks Activities: study guide / E.G. Doroch, N.N. Kunyavskaya, D. A. Lapchenko– Minsk : BSEU, 2015. – 145 p.
  10. Financial Management: study guide / L.V. Pashkovskaya. – Minsk, BSEU, 2015. -   197 p.
  11. Financial and Economic Control: study guide, Part 1 Theory of Control / N.N. Kireenko– Minsk : BSEU, 2018. – 116p.
  12. Effectiveness Analysis of Stock Company's Activities (for certification of candidates for the right to be appointed the state representative in the management bodies of the business entities with shares (stakes) in the authorized funds belonging to the Republic of Belarus or to the administrative territorial units) / Matalytskaya S.K., Akulich V.V.. – Minsk :  BSEU, 2017.
  13. International Financial Reporting Standards: study guide / L.V. Pashkovskaya. – Minsk : BSEU, 2016. – 68 p.
  14. Securities Market: study guide / G.V. Pisarenko. – Minsk : BSEU, 2016 – 85 p.
  15. Bank Audit: study guide / J.I. Akulich, V.V. Akulich, G.V. Pisarenko. – 2nd ed., RP and enlarged  – Minsk: BSEU, 2016. – 85 p.
  16. The Department members worked out the necessary training materials for all the disciplines that are available in the local network (BSEU library).



Address:   36 Mendeleeva, Rooms 302, 303

Tel.:+375 17 229 12 07 -– Chair of department
+375 17 229 12 08  – department secretary